

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
I gave my chickens some melon today and they went crazy... it was the funniest thing ever, almost as funny as watching them try to figure out the worm I dropped in their run... I think they thought it was a Anyway, just sharing
Oh the list goes on for their love of food. Wanna see something funny give them yougert. Specially in a dish. Just be warned they.will sling it but they love it and it is good for them
yes they do love it, however it can be dangerous if it gets up their nose/ nasal passages. cheeses and meats ( especially raw like bacon) go down a treat
Mine also love melons…all they leave is a very thin shell when they finish having their fun. But, the first time I gave them a half melon on a paper plate, the juices fell to the plate, then they scratched and tore the paper plate into pieces and had food runs with it. I was afraid this would be harmful to them, so I felt I had to get it away from the gals. Glad there wasn't a camera documenting my attempts to take the paper away from them.
I was on hands and knees and part of the food run action!
thanks for sharing your stories. I am new to the chicken thing, so I have just started giving them treats. My grandmother kept birds, parakeets, cockatoos, and doves. She used to give them celery and hard boiled eggs with the shell on them. She would just mash them up whole and offer them to the birds. I gave my chicks some hard boiled egg without the shell (leftovers from Easter), and they loved it, especially the yolk! My son gave them some orange the other day and they really seemed to like that too......

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