Member Pages?


6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
Sorry, if this needs to be moved please place it in the correct area :)

I for the life of me have been trying to figure out how to create a member page for about a week now... I can't find any topics on it either...

If someone could point me in the right direction that would be lovely! I would love to make a page to keep updated of my coop building and growing of my hens and ducklings.

I'm computer challenged so don't have a clue. Someone should be along soon that will be able to give you instructions.
Oop! I did some more peeking around and figured it out! If you go to "Learning Center" there is a tab for "Member Pages" and off to the left hand side is "Create New Member Page"

I'm computer challenged so don't have a clue. Someone should be along soon that will be able to give you instructions.

Now!, drumstick diva, may I ask how you add the signature to your posts? Or that bottom section?
Oop! I did some more peeking around and figured it out! If you go to "Learning Center" there is a tab for "Member Pages" and off to the left hand side is "Create New Member Page"

Now!, drumstick diva, may I ask how you add the signature to your posts? Or that bottom section?

Indeed, I too am trying to figure out where all the add-ons at the bottom of posts come from

I want one!!
Last edited:
I know this is an older post...but, I can't even find my member's page anymore. Did the pages not move with us, when the site changed? I had a page on deciding the gender of polish chicks that I wanted to share with a new member.

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