Message About Potential Virus On BYC


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
I have been trying to access different threads on BYC but I am getting a message from Chrome not allowing me to access certain BYC pages, The message says that Google Chrome has blocked access to www.backyardchickens because of content from, a known malware distributor,. It says that some type of Malware has been inserted into the byc webpage and visiting this page (BYC) will infect my computer.

I could only get a snap shot of the message and copy and paste in a word document. It would not allow me to take a snap shot pic and post on BYC. I had to access BYC another way so taht I could type this message. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Oh no, this happened to another forum I used to frequent and it totally screwed up their website and got their account suspended. I hope it can be fixed soon :(
I'm not having any trouble, even after logging out and back in. Anyone else this is happening to?

eta I'm on FF.
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