Metzer Farms geese?

My American Buff pair is from Metzer. Not show quality, but they are great pets.

They are two now and doing very well. The gander has grown very large and he's impressive to look at. They are sweet (at least to me) and I've been very pleased with them over all.
Don't get me wrong folks; Metzer's has wonderful people, very kind, considerate and respond quickly to any concerns you may have.

My goose is absolutely wonderful and I would not trade her for anything. She is a good pet quality bird and looks exactly like the pictures posted...they are beautiful and yes, she is smart...very smart : )

However; with loosing one of a pair was unforseen and totally messed up the entire concept. This was over two years in the planning...researching everything prior to purchase; etc.

Nobody's fault, really, but want to be pro-active and come up with a different approach. That's all.

I am going to give Dave's stock a try. I can't tell you if the quality is better or not...
One thing to think about if you are ordering just a few geese - you can get sexed geese at Metzer, Holderreads sells pairs and straight run. So if you only wanted three, two females and a male you would need to go with Metzer. I believe Holderreads minimum order is higher.

The above is "just the facts" information - I am in no way commenting on the quality of the geese - I am not a goose judge and do not play one on TV.

OHHHH good point too! Does anyone know Holderreads minimum? I only want 3-5 geese total.

And not to confuse things by throwing another place in the mix to comment on but has anyone gotten anything from Strombergs? They have some wild geese I have been
Rilly10, I just checked their website and Holderread's minimum order for goslings is 4. I haven't ordered from any of these places but plan on ordering some from Holderread's in the next couple of years.
You mentions should check out Cottage Roses' sebbies. She a fellow BYC'er with a web site that is nicely done; not only are her bird photos nice but is jam packed with information on geese care.

Do a search on Cottage Rose Birds and Blossoms, if you can't find her link here somewhere, and her site will pop won't be sorry.
I have Metzer's "French Toulouse". They are awesome! I got 8 straight run, and they are super healthy, hilarious birds. I would definitely order from them again, but hoping to hatch my own next year.
Thank you for the kind reference MsMelvin
At this time I only have 2010 - 4 month old youngsters for sale.
I will be taking orders for day olds after the first of the new year.
My minimum order is 4 during cold weather and 3 during warmer weather.

Metzers has one of the biggest flocks of Sebastopols in the United States.
They have bred them for many years.
My first Sebastopols came from Metzer stock and are what I call "deluxe pet quality."
If you look on my white Sebastopol page
you can see photos of Saffron, Meringue and Soufflé who have Metzer background.
While you may not get consistent or show type from Metzers I'm
sure you would get some pretty Sebastopols that you would be very happy with.
Thanks everyone for the great input!

I have decided to get the sebbies from a breeder as I really want some nice quality white ones. IF I still have any room (or $) after the Sebbies I may try Holderreads for some Americans. I would like one Lav and one blue.

Cottage Rose- I love your website and geese! I know you said that you start up your waiting list in Jan so I will be checking back in then.

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