Meyer Hatchery - 4 of 15 chicks dead

Just there any other way to have chicks and ducks transported than USPS?

I do want to say that I don't have any qualms about Meyer Hatchery.  They have been great!  Once the little ones leave the hatchery Meyer really doesn't have any control over the shipping.  It must have something to do with the USPS.  I have had frozen dog sperm shipped across county and it has to arrive within 24 hrs.  We always got it in time with USPS.   It doesn't seem like they have the work force they once had and are not handling live animals very well.

Still trying to figure out if I should keep or cancel the chicks due to be shipped on 9/23, or cancel and order in the Spring.  If I added 2 ducklings to the order, would that help?  I'm just not sure it's all about the weather.  Wish I could find the Lavender Orps at a farm near me.  Our farm store can't order that breed.:bow


You would have to pay separate shipping for the ducks. The ducks don't come from OH like the chicks do, they come from CA. I have a order for 8 for 9/30, was originally 4 but I added a few more for warmth ;) if you can have them it prob wouldn't hurt to add a few more so they can stay warmer
Thats what I did with my girl (10 &12). They also happened to be at daycamp when the chicks arrived so I got to open the box myself. Just in case. Didn't plan it that way but... still have to keep reminding them that we're not out of the woods in terms of health and possible rooster (we'd have to rehome)

Just a side note for you. My 10 year old has some challenges (adhd and attachment disordsr). The chicks have worked wonders! I had not even thought of that side benefit as our dog and cat don't help calm her, we joke that even if they never lay eggs they have already paid us back jn full!

That's great! Animals have been so good for my son (he has Down syndrome). He has learned so much and having them encourages him to do so much.
Thank you for this info. I didn't know the chicks and ducks were sent from different states. Having ducks come north by 2 states certainly sounds like a better option. I was going to add a few more ducks anyway.

I got 3 in aug and I'm in love! I'm already planning my order for next year. What kind of ducks do you have?

I ordered the ducks and chicks for the same ship day and I live in NC and the ducks and chicks came the same morning.
I got 3 in aug and I'm in love! I'm already planning my order for next year. What kind of ducks do you have?

I ordered the ducks and chicks for the same ship day and I live in NC and the ducks and chicks came the same morning.
I ordered 2 Lavender Orps and 1 Polish Blue Standard.
I got my ducks locally. Two Khaki Campbells and 2 Rouens
I have been really wanting a blue since I lost my blue andelusian, and blue laced red wyandotte, and had blue copper maran eggs that didn't hatch. I hatched out some eggs, from a farm one of the mom's was blue, I didn't get blue chicks though. I went to the county fair, and they had chicks for auction on sun, I was there on thurs. and not coming back on sun, and they had a Blue andelusian, I begged to buy, they said no auction is Sun. we need money for cages. so I said I have a cage I can bring a good sized one ($150 one brand new) and here is $10. she said "Ok." and they got their cage and money and I got me a blue andelusian. I didn't need the cage so that chick really only cost me $10.
I think I'm going to cancel my 9/28 order and wait until Spring. Then I'll order more than just 3.

Just to repeat, I have no qualms about Meyer Hatchery. I do think the USPS has been cut so close that even the live animals don't get extra attention like they used to. Hatcheries aren't in business to have you receive DOA poultry. It's clear now why people order 15 or more at a time. Some will be lost.

Last Spring, I custom ordered my chicks and ducks through our local farm store. They get their poultry from Cackle Hatchery in the hundreds. Still, I lost one chick and one duckling. I talked with the people who handle the poultry and they said your always likely to lose a few over time. It just happens. And, they don't refund or replace.

May all your chicks, ducks and other fowl arrive and thrive!

As far as I know USPS is the only service that will ship them.....Mine from Meyer Hatched Monday and I had them Tuesday Morning....I'm positive it had a lot to do with Meyer being in Ohio and I'm in PA
I live in Indiana, 4 hours away from Meyers. My chicks (meat chicks) were born today, mailed today, and usps says they won't be here until Thursday. I'm hope they are wrong and they come tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be hot, hoping they will be ok. (and come in the mail tomorrow!!)

I live in Indiana, 4 hours away from Meyers. My chicks (meat chicks) were born today, mailed today, and usps says they won't be here until Thursday. I'm hope they are wrong and they come tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be hot, hoping they will be ok. (and come in the mail tomorrow!!)


Your reading it a little wrong...They are guaranteed by Thursday....You will probably get them tomorrow....Let us know

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