Meyer Hatchery Shipping Error

I've had only good experiences with Meyer - and when I've talked with them on the phone, they've always been super helpful. Every company has glitches occasionally. So glad your chicks arrived safe and sound.
Hmmm... I ordered from Meyer, and 2 of my 4 chicks didn't hatch out as of Monday afternoon, so they called, substituted, and shipped Tuesday afternoon. It looks like they shipped express and were guaranteed by today at noon, but they haven't arrived yet. The PO said they have been having problems with planes or something and that there is nothing I can do except wait until they arrive tomorrow. I realize it's not Meyer's fault, but it's frustrating to pay so much for shipping and then have them take so long to get here! I'm so worried about my little chicks!! The folks at Meyer were really helpful, at the PO, not so much. Someone else had the same problem... hers shipped Monday and were guaranteed by Tuesday and were out for delivery when I was at the local PO at noon today (Wednesday). I asked the PO if I could meet the delivery somewhere so that I can get them under the heat lamp faster and they said no, I just have to wait until they get there tomorrow... and then they don't like to call, they deliver them. It's nice, but I would rather pick them up as soon as they arrive! I am sooo frustrated and worried!
Hmmm... I ordered from Meyer, and 2 of my 4 chicks didn't hatch out as of Monday afternoon, so they called, substituted, and shipped Tuesday afternoon. It looks like they shipped express and were guaranteed by today at noon, but they haven't arrived yet. The PO said they have been having problems with planes or something and that there is nothing I can do except wait until they arrive tomorrow. I realize it's not Meyer's fault, but it's frustrating to pay so much for shipping and then have them take so long to get here! I'm so worried about my little chicks!! The folks at Meyer were really helpful, at the PO, not so much. Someone else had the same problem... hers shipped Monday and were guaranteed by Tuesday and were out for delivery when I was at the local PO at noon today (Wednesday). I asked the PO if I could meet the delivery somewhere so that I can get them under the heat lamp faster and they said no, I just have to wait until they get there tomorrow... and then they don't like to call, they deliver them. It's nice, but I would rather pick them up as soon as they arrive! I am sooo frustrated and worried!

WOW your P.O. stinks! I'm sorry
I hope everything turns out OK!!! Doesn't the P.O. have something about if, Express isn't delivered on time - you can get a refund? Post Office's vary allot I guess. My P.O. won't take chicks out on a route Unless the customer request it to be delivered.

I called my P.O. and talked to my carrier a few days before I was expecting my egg shipment from Meyers (a couple weeks ago) and asked him to put my eggs in my garage if, I wasn't home. They arrived (in my garage) in perfect looking condition and it was 60 degrees outside
They are in lock-down now.

I called the P.O. again last week and told my carrier that I was expecting chicks this week and asked him to put a coat or something over the top of box for me if, the chicks where chirping loud. .
My chicks shipped out from Meyers on Monday morning and arrived at my P.O. at 7:15 am Tuesday. The P.O. called my home phone at 7:20, 7;45, 8:00, 8:25, 8:40 and 9:00am (my home phone was out of order - due to rain over the weekend)
. Meyers had thought my chicks would reach my P.O. by Wednesday when I called them on Monday. I check my tracking number on-line at 9:15 Tuesday morning just to see where they were and immediately called the P.O. and headed out the door. My chicks where nice a warm with a heat pack from Meyers
I will be ordering from them again!!! I hope yours have a heat pack too!
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BonnieJean - I had the same thing happen...two of my eight didn't hatch out this week (and they substituted). They got here quickly (with a heat pack and in perfect shape), but my PO sent the chicks with my mail carrier, and she just LEFT THEM ON THE PORCH. Then called and left a message on my home phone saying they were there...grrrrrr...we have tons of feral cats/loose dogs...glad nothing happened. Sorry your PO is being so difficult...I have made arrangements before with UPS/FedEx to meet a delivery truck on a route to pick up items early...maybe its a federal reg that won't let the USPS?
BonnieJean - I had the same thing happen...two of my eight didn't hatch out this week (and they substituted). They got here quickly (with a heat pack and in perfect shape), but my PO sent the chicks with my mail carrier, and she just LEFT THEM ON THE PORCH. Then called and left a message on my home phone saying they were there...grrrrrr...we have tons of feral cats/loose dogs...glad nothing happened. Sorry your PO is being so difficult...I have made arrangements before with UPS/FedEx to meet a delivery truck on a route to pick up items early...maybe its a federal reg that won't let the USPS?

I was a Rural carrier for 15 years - it's not a federal reg. You should always call your P.O. before to tell your carrier when you are expecting chicks. Maybe you had a new/sub carrier but, I'd make a formal complaint with your P.O. I don't know about TN but, I'm pretty sure in Michigan - the carrier won't take chicks with them on the route at all - unless the customer requested it.

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