Meyer orders?

i didn't order directly from meyer, but from meyer via the chicks made it in perfect time and in fantastic shape. i can't say enough good things about the shipping. it was high summer from OH to VT and a small order to boot and the kids came through like troopers in 24 hours, making a fuss in the shipping box and eating within seconds of being put into the brooder. there was a packing peanut, but it was a pullet (i believe MPC guarantees that extras in an all-pullet order will be pullets).

i only have one gripe with the whole experience and that is that two of my BRs developed a mysterious blindness just at point-of-lay. in an effort to find out more, i contacted meyer, thinking that it might be a genetic abnormality (since it affected two of the same breed and no others of my 16 birds). i made it clear that i wasn't seeking completely unwarranted compensation but that i was just looking for info. no one at meyer ever contacted me, even with a form email. it was very disappointing.

but, however, i ordered my second batch via MPC last week. i'd prefer a better customer service experience, but my shipping experience was so positive that i'm willing to overlook what is basically just a courtesy at that point in the customer/producer relationship.
I love Meyer and live close enough that I visit a couple times a year. They are very helpful and knowledgeable and the chicks that I've bought have been very healthy. We also got some from My Pet Chicken and they were great too. I just prefer the customer service from Meyer.
I just picked up my 5 chicks from Meyers 3 days ago (1 black star, 2 golden buff, 2 buff orp) and could not be happier with them. They are very sweet and look great. The star looked a little off at pickup (squinty eyed and not very balanced and quite a bit smaller than the others) but as soon as I put her in the brooder she started inhaling the food/water and immediately looked better. I had also ordered a cochin, but they ran out of those and had no other chicks to fill the order which was ok. It was understandable to me seeing how my own older girls are not laying very well and it is still cold here. Now I have a reason to go back next spring. (I really wanted that cochin!!) The pick up area was immaculate. I was surprised when the woman that waited on me said that the staff starts doing egg pick ups at 5 am on Friday mornings within a 50 mile radius of the hatchery. Being a newbie, I thought they actually bred the chickens there on site. Makes a lot more sense their way! A lot less labor intensive! Anyway, I would get chicks from them again in a minute.
I ordered from Meyer the time and had great luck, only lost one on arrival. I called them up and they gave me a credit. Didn't order from them last year because they didn't have any for the hatch date I wanted. I have 40 jersey giants coming on the 25th of March & I am very excited. Will post some pictures.
I did have a bad experience with my 1st order, they shipped when I was to pick up and the post office lef tthem to freeze:(. But they did more than compensate for it and we were pleased. We have ordered from them every since.
We got our first chickens from them last year, and ordered three more this year (picking up March 23! Hooray!). We've been happy with their selection and service - even when I changed my first order three times (oh, the choices...) last year. I have been hoping to get a Speckled Sussex, but they have not been available at the hatch dates I want. I guess that means I'll be back for more next year.

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