meyers hatchery

We live close enough that I can pick up chicks in person, so no shipping at home that first day. Friendly staff, cool little store setup. Having been using them for 3 years.
I ordered 15 chicks from Meyers this spring. One died a few days later, but that was severe pasty butt. The other 14 are hale and hearty and going on 13 weeks old. Among the order were 5 barred rocks and 2 of them turned out to be roosters. I wasn't real happy about that because I paid for females. Meyers gave me credit for one, since they have a 10% failure buffer. But I intend to order from Meyers again, anyway.
Last April I received my 26 chicks from Meyer all in great condition. Living in southern Ohio, I wanted to order from a hatchery that was close-by. Mine were shipped on Monday and I got them Tuesday morning. Ordered 3 roosters and 22 pullets, and got a bonus pullet but 1 pullet ended up a roo. One extra roo out of 26 is pretty good I think. At 15 weeks they are all healthy except for the barred rock that flew into the yard and was sadly killed by my golden retriever.
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I just put my order in with Meyers this afternoon! I have heard great things about them, so I'm really hoping my chicks arrive healthy and all are pullets like I ordered.
So excited! Although, I'm still building my coop, so I selected them to be shipped the first of October so I'd have plenty of time to get everything done and be ready for them. Not to mention, it's getting up to 111+ degrees during the day and my Post Office won't allow live animals to be shipped in right now.
I got three Buff Brahma "pullets" from them in May and I live close enough to pick them up. Service was very good. I got three because I wanted two and figured since mortality is pretty high, I'd probably end up with two. They all lived, though! One of my three "pullets" is looking suspiciously like a rooster (I'm 99.9% sure he is) but other than that, great hatchery. Anyone want a Buff Brahma roo??
Meyer's staff is friendly and helpful, they spent a lot of time coordinating hatch dates with multiple breeds. We appreciated the e-mail and tracking. Chicks arrived the day following shipping.
They had more of the breeds that we wanted. They had a low hatch on GLW that we ordered and sent our choice replacements, free shipping.
1st order- BOs, Dominiques, Welsummers, & Speckled Sussex. Replacements - Ameraucanas, last order - Jersey Giants, Black Astralorps, SLW.
We got an instant response when one chick died 12 hours after we received our first shipment, they were compassionate and gave an immediate credit toward our replacements.
We just received our last batch of chicks from Meyer on July 26, 2011. They are lively, jumping and hopping like little bunnies.

This is our first experience with chickens and Meyer. We chose them because we wanted a hatchery close to our home, and they had more information about the breeds, allowing us to choose based on hardiness, temperament and purpose, (we wanted dual purpose).

They have a great catalog. The online catalog is beautiful, but get the print catalog, mine is already dogeared from the constant use it gets.

We hope to hatch our own, but already have our eye on breeds for next year. We will use Meyer again.

:thumbsup TWO THUMBS UP!!

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