Mice issues and feeders..............


10 Years
Aug 20, 2009
East Central VA
That time of year again, when the mice start invading everything. This year is particularly bad, the cats in the house caught 10 to my knowledge in less than a week, I can't even begin to count how many I've seen the dogs eating or how many I've caught in the garage with pinkies that I've actually fed to the chickens. I've given the girls so many now that I'm being mobbed at the run door every time I go out there. And tonight I found them in the feeder when I went to check on the birds. I have a hanging galvanized type feeder that hangs in the middle of the run away from everything but only about 9 inches from the ground (I have a petite silkie that can't reach higher at the moment). When I turned the flashlight on it tonight off flew about 6 or 8 mice.
Normally a few mice would just irk me but there are so many this year! Is there anything I can do aside from building or buying a treadle style feeder? (About to make a cross country move, funds are far shorter than we can afford, would like to make it there before getting one)
Is anyone else having an invasion of the meeces?
Yeah, I had a mouse problem too. I really thought that hanging the feeder would keep them from it, but I was wrong. I think the easiest thing to do is bring the food in at night and put it back first thing in the morning. It's a pain, but probably worth the cost of food lost to the mice. Now I also keep live traps deployed nightly and I've gotten them under control. Good luck with the move!
I bought one of those repeating mousetraps that require no bait (metal box style) from my feed store, about $17. I think I saw them on amazon too. Curiosity gets them to go into the tunnel, then it "spanks" them into a little room in the box. Then I drown them in a bucket.

I have been catching 5-8 mice at a time! Some days there are none, and some days just one or three, also.

My father-in-law wants to borrow mine to try it out. He said just wait until I stop catching mice and then he'll borrow it. But that doesn't ever seem like it's going to happen!

Also, I remove ALL feed at night and store it in a metal pail (covered) in the garage. No food or water in the coops after 6 weeks of age.
Bringing it in will be a last option at the moment, Andy raises hades in the morning if she doesn't see food in the feeder. She is my current 'roo' and is just about as nasty as the one I had for dinner a few weeks ago

Too much of the screaming in the morning gets my neighbors ticked off
Though they'll only have to put up with me a bit longer......
ChickensAreSweet, do you remember what brand of trap it was? I bought some crappy repeating traps at HD and I've yet to catch one with those. I'm using the Havahart mouse traps, but they're out of commission after the first capture unless I empty it before morning. The one you have sounds great.
Hmmmmm.... haven't seen that one yet, calling the feed store in the morning! Bet you anything I'll have 10 chickens trying to break into it every morning
Good source of free protein too.
Hmmmmm.... haven't seen that one yet, calling the feed store in the morning! Bet you anything I'll have 10 chickens trying to break into it every morning
Good source of free protein too.

Yeah- they will eat mice. But I just leave 'em for the coons, possums, etc.

I don't want to think about it when I snuggle with them that they've been eating ugh...mice.

Am I prissy?


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