Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

Just joined BYC today. There is quite a bit of reading for me to do to catch up on this law. Flushing use to have an ordinance of three chickens and no rooster about five years ago. Now that I have the time to keep chickens, I re-checked the ordinance and found that there are none. Don't want to invest time and money only to have to give up my gardening partners. In love with them even though I do not have any chickens yet!
I sure hope so. Yesterday I learned that I have a broken sewer pipe. I might have contractors coming over to dig up my backyard. Looks like part of the privacy fence is coming up too...at least this is getting done before I get chickens! I'd like to come. Maybe my brother can house sit for me if this mess gets started that soon.
Since yet another new round of GAAMPs are on the table for debate Thursday, will the public be allowed to comment once again? Only seems fair.
The only opportunity for public comment will be just before the vote. Anyone who attends the meeting will be allotted 3 minutes to speak.

Debbie Stabenow will be there, and is addressing the Commission just before the public comments. Agenda is here: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdard/Mar_20_AGENDA_450325_7.pdf

If you want to ask Senator Stabenow to stay to hear the public comments and to hear the vote - or if you just want to let her know how you feel about what is happening to agricultural policy in Michigan - she can be reached here:

If you can't come to the meeting but want to write to the Commissioners, you can do that here:
[email protected]

The exact time and place of the meeting is also available at the very beginning of the agenda:

Hope to see you on Thursday.
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