Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

I thought hens are allowed in Mt Clemens.

City ordinance says no.
It amazes me that they seem to think anyone who is using RTFA in an urban or suburban setting is just someone who wants to raise a handful of birds in the middle of the city. When we bought our house in 2000 this area was pretty quiet and rural. We had gravel roads, 4 way stop signs and deer. Shelby started slamming in subdivisions and shopping centers and widening roads everywhere, with more subdivisions coming soon down the road from us. So while our area may be growing fast, WE WERE HERE WITH OUR CHICKENS FIRST. I feel we have just as much right to protection as farmers out in the middle of nowhere. Every city was rural at some point or another. Just because I only have an acre and a half doesn't mean I don't have the right to keep raising my chickens.
And they should define "rural" and check why the townships are allowed to over regulate. Detroit is allowed to have chicken, on my 1/8th acre lot in an "up scale" subdivision we are allowed to have chickens, but you on over an acre cannot have them, and cannot use RTF? Myself on 59+ acres ZONED RESIDENTIAL cannot own chickens?!? Since we are "residential" zoned, we are not allowed the same protection as they are? It's absurd!!!
Hi group,
Now that official charges are pending, and PPOs can begin I feel safer sharing my story.
Last month the commissioner who turned me in to the township for an ordinance violation (23 chickens on 50+ acres) where we are zoned residential and not allowed to own any farm animals trespassed on our property, vandalized it, shot a shotgun on our property in the direction of my husband, and ranting about our chickens. He also sent his dogs after my husband, in front of our home.
We called the police, and he has 5 criminal charges pending against him that have all been okayed by the prosecutor.
We are still fighting the township which is standing behind there commissioner.

I read the earlier post here about Gov Snyder and the Farm Bureau conference.
Guys, now is our time to shine! The media is not informing the public about us "back yard farmers" they are portraying us as the crazies who shouldn't keep chickens unless we are big farmers. I will be contacting Snyders office today, and I hope you will too. These townships are way overstepping!
As many of you know, I can keep my chickens in my subdivision (many of my neighbors do it) the township welcomes chickens! But my other house on over 50 acres, the township doesn't allow any farm animals.
RTFChickens, that is dreadful! While I can understand civil disagreement over an issue, when it goes beyond respectful disagreement into physical assault, etc. it is far beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior. Perhaps you need some local media to showcase your issues (and I'm not even talking about the criminal stuff). With over 50 acres (that if I remember correctly have been in your family for a very long time?) you cannot have farm animals? Something smells VERY fishy.

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