Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

I'm also in the minority here, living in small farm friendly Wyoming as I do. BUT just because the readers of this thread, as well as others who may learn of it via different sources, are not immediately affected does not mean that we shouldn't be watching carefully and learning from this. It might not touch us yet but with government and Big Ag getting such a victory in Michigan it might not be long before this aggression spreads.
Are you in Wyoming state, or Wyoming, MI?
You are absolutely right though, just because my farm is protected, it does NOT mean my fight is over! I'm advocating for small farmers! Regardless of zoning or property size, everyone deserves the right to raise/grow their own food!
RTF protection was my only hope...my city has told me no more times than I can count, and has said they have no intention of re-voting on an ordinance change to allow chickens in residential areas....this fight just keeps getting bigger and bigger and every time I see a sliver of hope and light at the end of the tunnel, it's just an oncoming train.... I shouldn't have to move! GAH! (I promise I will turn my whining back into something constructive and productive soon...but for now...WAH!)

Thank you so much to those of you that continue to work so incredibly hard on this issue...
Again, I don't even have chickens but am willing to write to whoever anyone thinks might make even the smallest difference....

this was posted by two co-workers on my FB page today (they had no clue that I even went to Lansing about this)..... Anyone see it?


Also - the one family that was pro change due to an "allergy" is running rampant on the comments of above story.
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There is much going on right now concerning RTFA. Too much to write here. There is an Ag commission meeting May 15th. Please read the MSFC web page for details.
I've written my michigan legislators to voice my concerns about these GAAMPS changes and how they are affecting us small farmers. I would encourage others to do the same.
We need to let these guys know how bad this decision is for michigan.
I also pointed out that GAAMPS is giving power to townships, and RTFA specifically addresses township ordinances and states that RTFA superceedes them. Definitely a conflict going on there...
Just a point of clarification, this is a Senate Agriculture Committee request of MDARD to testify regarding the recent approval of the 2014 GAAMPs.
I'm curious to see if any of the commissioners who voted FOR the change are there to testify or if the testimony will be provided by MDARD employees.

This is an open, public meeting and I will be there to see who says what.

More info here, http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c9b2937d5c9adfe92dcf29812&id=aa9f35fcef&e=4a4adb7bae

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