Miconazole Didn't Cure Sour Crop


Jun 24, 2021
Southern California
My 8 month old hen had a crop impaction a few weeks ago that became sour. I treated her with generic miconazole 2% cream (at least half an inch, usually almost an inch) twice a day for seven days but her crop is still full, squishy, and water-balloon like in the mornings and throughout the day even after the full 7 days of treatment.

Her impaction is gone, so it's just the sour crop and possibly slow digestion. There's no odd smell coming from her beak, though the second day of treatment there was but it went away. She's pooping completely liquid (brown) sometimes, mostly normal solid black-colored poops, and she hasn't laid an egg in almost a month since her impaction. She still eats and drinks and is perky.

What other treatment should I give her? Should I keep treating with miconazole until it goes away? Is it safe to give her miconazole everyday for long periods of time?
This just happened to me and sadly my hen passed. I think I read somewhere that if the yeast infection spreads to other parts of the digestive system it will be fatal without surgery. That might be what happened to my girl. Don’t give up hope though! I didn’t realize it was sour crop for a almost two weeks and I guess that must have been too long. I would stop the treatment because it can be toxic if too much is given and watch to see how she’s doing. Play it by ear and if she seems like it’s getting better let it be but if it starts getting worse give more treatment. Give her some love for me ❤️

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