Mid January Hatch thread....

A ray of hope!

I have 2 pips and another rocker! I thought I saw an old one rocking - these ones are on day 23. I am not sure if I saw it or imagined it, but I am not imagining the two pips I have on the newest eggs (day 20)!
can you tell the barred rock when they first pop out??

They're all different shades of yellow, some light some blonde, one has a couple of dark dots on it maybe that's a br. Haven't seen anymore movement in the bator moved 5 to the brooder and one in the bator is still a little damp, so I left him/her alone with the rest of the eggs to call them out.
In one of my pics you could see my youngest pitbull. He has been sitting by the incubator since last night. He will sit and listen to the peeping, and start winning. He just came in here from where the chicks are, and collapsed on the floor. He's had a rough day.
I have a new chick! The other one is still working it's way out!
I swear I saw another old egg rock. That's two of the old 7 that MAY still hatch!

ETA: There is what looks like egg white still attached to the newly hatched chick. It that normal/okay?
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Of our 17 eggs we have 5 out now and the live video will keep going all day. (http://www.ustream.tv/channel/chicken-cam-peep-show) Hatched so far is 2 Marans, 1 Ameraucana, 1 Light Brahma and 1 White Leghorn. Right now I can see another Marans and another Leghorn pipped.

PICURES! we need pics of those cuties

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