Midge or Mickey?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 30, 2013
Hello, I'm new here. Trying to figure out if my 5 month old chicken is a boy or a girl. No laying, no crowing. I'm waiting on pins and needles. Any ideas? Thanks very much!
She/he has huge legs and is the biggest of the three and the bossiest. Often puffs up her chest and has a super long neck. They are all mutts but I think she has done Buff Orphington in her?
On the plus side, I got her/him from a Chicken Lady who promises to take him back and keep him alive too! :)
I'm thinking pullet. The color is suspicious for cockerel at first, but there's also red on the back. I'm not seeing hackle or saddle feathers, and at 5 months those should be obvious. Plus the thin legs, I'm thinking girl.
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