~*~Midnight Nicker~*~A Horse RP~*~

(Well just to be sure I am going to use one of the horses I already have so I don't upset ilovemysilkie.Is it okay if I use ice?)


Lena lied down to sleep for a little bit while Joey kept grazing. Lena dreamed of her days as an owned horse. She remembered the day of the barn fire. The fat man who was the owner of the barn and horses smoked cigars and always wore black suits. The day of the fire he came to her stall and opened it up. He then put the halter on her and led her out the back. The man didn't know she was pregnant so he started lunging her a lot because he thought she was too fat. The stable hands; too scared to say anything, just watched as she got very sweaty. An hour later he finaly led her into the barn but she reared up and knocked him down; his cigar falling out of his mouth and into the hay. The fire spread fast and the stable hands opened all the stalls and freed everyone. All the other horses were caught but her. Lena almost lost Joey due to over working. She cleared her head and stood back up and saw a new comer. "Who is that?"
Esperanza whipped her head up as she heard a horse cry for help. ( Chinook )
She galloped to where she heard the cry and said ," are you ok?!"
Chinook froze and whimpered a little. The snake was growing restless,and it was getting closer! The snake,at hearing the startling noise of Esperanza's voice,aimed a strike at the newcoming mare. "Don't move!" Chinook whispered.

Ice looked at shade "Yes it is pretty bright out here. I love it." Said Ice in a f
(Just to be clear,what time era is this? Some of my horses came over with the Spanish conquistadors!)

Shade snorted. Her ruse shattered. "Yes it is." she said in a flat tone.
Chinook froze and whimpered a little. The snake was growing restless,and it was getting closer! The snake,at hearing the startling noise of Esperanza's voice,aimed a strike at the newcoming mare. "Don't move!" Chinook whispered.

(Just to be clear,what time era is this? Some of my horses came over with the Spanish conquistadors!)

Shade snorted. Her ruse shattered. "Yes it is." she said in a flat tone.

Esperanza saw the snake. She did waked to it, silently. The snake got closer to Chinook. All of a sudden, Esperanza reared and landed on the snakes head, right when it was about to attack Chinook
Esperanza saw the snake. She did waked to it, silently. The snake got closer to Chinook. All of a sudden, Esperanza reared and landed on the snakes head, right when it was about to attack Chinook
Chinook shivered. She hadn't known that it was so close to her. "Thanks. Do you want to meet Blaze,the lead stallion? I'm sure he couldn't help me. He was too far away."
(I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean in the horses time or the time where I live?)

Ices eyes narrowed as she took a step closer to phantom not because she was sacred but to kind of block her.
(I mean the horses. Are they in the time of the spanish conquerors or in current time?)

" do I want to meet him? Um sure! By the way, I'm Esperanza" Esperanza said
"I'm Chinook." She trotted over to where Blaze was talking with a foal. "Hey,Blaze,guess what!"

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