Might my eggs hatch?


7 Years
Mar 21, 2012

I am quite new to keeping chickens. I have a small garden flock of three hens and had a cockerel. My cockerel got ill on Friday and went downhill quickly over the weekend and passed away on Monday. Luckily my hens all seem fine. I had wanted to bring some of my (presumably) fertile eggs along to hatch in a few weeks time. Sadly with the loss of my cockerel that will no longer be possible. I do have a few eggs left over from the middle of last week which I brought indoors and have kept in the kitchen. Do you think if these were heated up to the right tempereture, humidity etc that they will hatch, even though they have not been kept warm for the last few days?

they should be fine as long as they are under 10 days old. You will need an incubator which you can find at your local feed store or online.
Goodluck and keep us posted!!
Thanks, that's good news. If I am able to get some healthy chicks it would please me to know that part of my cockerel lives on. I had got quite attached to him.
Your rooster died this Monday? The eggs can still be fertile for up to two weeks after the rooster is gone (or got sick). So the eggs your hens are laying now, may still be fertile. Sorry about you rooster. :(
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