Milky poo and yolkless eggs-possible internal laying

Some antibiotics like tetracyclines and Baytril should not be given at the same time as calcium. Couple of hours should be fine.

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I was dosing them seperately. I took her back outside b/c she seemed very stressed inside. She immediately pooped several times, then started straining again. She had a little shell from the broken egg still inside, and I helped her get it out. She isn't currently straining, but I'm worried she's going to prolapse with all the pushing, I don't really know if there is anything else I can do to prevent that, I keep reading and researching, but the situation seems not so great.I'll just have to keep an eye on her. I don't know if all of the egg white came out with the shell, but she seems a little less stressed. She felt a little warm to me when I took her out, but she had been under a heat lamp.
Hi, I'm soo sorry you are going through this, my hen had the exact same symptoms and was diagnosed a internal layer. It upsets me to see people talking about the fact that there is nothing that can be done for thease hen, when infact there IS a way to keep them alive and in better health then ever! Find a good avian vet and request a desorelin implant be placed into her , it a quick , painless and simple procedure same as microchipping a dog. This works buy imediatly stopping the birds reproduction cycle and saving there life! , the implant should be replaced every 5 months to be on the safe side but should last 6 months. I am doing this for my girl and she is doing amazing better than ever really because she is not burdened buy daily egg laying. So in a nutshell this is NOT a death sentence at all and people should educate themselves about this option because it there for anyone who wants it, yes it cost some money but for me money wasent a option I whould have done anything to save my girl so this is to let people know that your hens CAN live and you CAN save them!
Thank you for the info chickenstar. I did ask my vet about hormonal treatment, but we decided it wasn't the best fit for us.
Update on my hen! She is actually doing a little better. She hadn't laid an egg since the broken one five days ago. She laid an egg today, but the shell was soft and it broke in the nest. It didn' t get stuck though, and the good news is that it had a yolk! That is the first yolk since this whole mess started. Also, her belly is back to normal, no water balloon feel and pretty normal. Her comb is nice and red, and she is otherwise acting and eating normally. I have no idea what has been the improvement. Maybe she took a break from laying, and her body was able to absorb the yolk/fluid in her abdomen? I did dose her with liquid calcium again today after the soft shelled egg, she really hates that, and she had a booty bath b/c of sticky egg in her bum feathers. Obviously, she isn't all better, because we are having the shell problems still. Maybe she has a defect in her shell gland? I don't know, I am just glad she is feeling better for now. Hopefully, with winter coming, her laying will slow down enough that she can heal some. I know that the problem will most likely return, just hoping for the best.
A broken egg this morning, and now I think we are losing her. Her egg this morning did have a yolk, just a very soft shell, calcium doesn't seem to be helping. She isn't straining, but she just stands there with her eyes closed. She hasn't left from under our coop in about four hours. So sad.
Oh no.I think we are about to go through the same thing as you. I just had another chicken PTS for a terrible case of fly strike and this morning I went to feed the girls and one was sitting by my back door in a puddle of what seems to be clear milky fluid. I noticed her comb going darker this last week but wasn't sure if I should be worried, she was behaving normally. She is inside in a cage now with food and water and warmth but I think it will be a matter of waiting. She is sitting with her head down like she could go at any second. I am about to head off for work and there is nothing more I can do. Two chickens in one week. This sucks.
Sorry about your chickens, I hope she is doing better. Our hen actually went into a heavy molt from the stress +the time of year, and blew out over half of her feathers. The good thing about that is it stopped her laying, and has given her a rest. Her feathers are almost back in, but her comb is very pale still, poo is currently normal. I am hoping she will stop for the winter, and maybe it will give her a chance to bounce back. I can't believe she is still with us, and is for the time dong okay.
Henny died during the day. Now only two chickens left and one is getting a dark looking comb, not sure what this means :( hasn't been a good week.
Probably not internal laying with several chickens being affected. I am no expert on chicken sickness, I would try to post a new thread with all of their symptoms. If they are dying that quickly, it is most likely infectious, but I'm not sure what. Good luck!
Update on our hen. After a big molt and long break, she is laying again like nothing ever happened! I know she will be prone to problems, but for now she is doing great!

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