Min Pin Problems

Thanks Country girl, that is in the back of my mind. I have been giving the DE in his food as well as dusting him with it, so lets hope it does the trick.

Jessied, He is purebred, how long would it take for this to show up, Demodectic Mange???? Thx for that web site I have been trying to find a good one.
I have a 2 yr old min pin named Outlaw. When he was a pup he had really bad dry skin it would flake like dandruff. I found a great dog shampoo called Pearls Au Lait Milk Bath. I started using it and his skin problem went away. He has a beautiful healthy shiny coat now. I even get complements on how shiny his coat is. I don't use flea shampoos or sprays. I had a friend who's dog died from being bathed in a flea shampoo. The vet said it was to toxic for her dog and it had a reaction to it. It was a teacup poodle so please becareful and not bath him to much at once in flea shampoo.
Mine has the dry skin as well and is flakey, lol I think I will quit the shampoo and hope the DE helps. Where do you get this shampoo, I had thought about getting him the kind with oatmeal in it, have you ever tried it???

I think I seen a pic of your Outlaw in another post, and he is gorgeous and very shiny, my poor little guy is dull, his coat anyway.
I use to be able to buy it at petsmart but they quit carrying it so I just buy off online. I have 3 bottles in the linen closet now. I love this shampoo and it makes him smell so good. I'm telling you this shampoo is really great for dry skin. No I've not tried the oatmeal once I found the milk shampoo I've never used anything else.
I get it from amazon.com

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Thanks Poison Ivy, I will definately check into that, and keep an eye out for at the stores I shop. Sounds like just what he needs.
Here's a slightly different remedy if it's a hot spot. Use BFI Powder. It's an antibacterial foot powder you can get in any drug store. I have 14 Siberian Huskies (we race sled dog teams) and had one that used to get awful hot spots during the autumn months. It was probably allergy related. The vets always recommended using sprays and other treatments that kept the spot moist instead of drying it up. The BFI Powder dried the hot spot and they always healed quickly.
Thanks sunnychooks, I will give that a try if the Sulfadene doesn't do the trick. seems to be helping so far.
Well I tried to purchase this online and it will not accept my address tried PO Box and street address??? I did find it at Target.com but it seems to be out of stock, guess I will keep searching.
Wow that weird? I didn't have a problem it took them a week to get it to me thou. That's why I buy 3 at a time in case they are out of stock. Hope you find it. Have you tried petco? not sure if they carry it either. I don't go there often because its a 45 min trip one way for me. Easier to order online.
I'm not sure we have one of those in my area, but, there is a pet warehouse that I have never been to, will check there and check the Target store, hopefully someone will have it. Is there another brand that would be similiar that I might be able to find easier??? I did call a pet shop that is local and he carries other items from Tomlyn, so he is going to see if he can get it for me.

I don't know what the deal is with it not accepting my addy, weird???

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