Mineral oil on eggs

Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil

10 Years
Mar 20, 2009
Sequim, WA
My sister-in-law read in a newsletter that she gets that if you rub mineral oil on your egg shells so that they can be stored at room temp., up to 9 months. Anyone do this? I also read that you can keep eggs at room temp with out the oil for up to 2 weeks.
After doing some searching on past post on BYC I could only find people who put mineral oil on eggs that have been washed.

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
You need to read the thread "keeping eggs" by mklmrphy956. It is about a page back on the index of posts in this section. There is a reply in that brief thread that references an article in Mother Earth News where they did an experiment to see what worked. Eggs keep several months and seem to better without coating them. This article stopped at 7 months.

You can definitely keep them at room temp lots longer than 2 wks; I do it all the time.
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