Minerals for my chicken??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Hi there,

I have my Hens out in a good size coop... They are healthy eating right and laying right... In adition to their well balanced feed I give them Oyster Shell... I heard that once they have been in the same spot for a while they run out of good minerals from the ground and that it would be a good idea to give them some... I went to the feed store and they didn't have any for chickens...
I allow my girls to access Redmond Conditioner , which I bought at a feed store. I put it in their dust bath area - which is also where they get their treats, thus they consume some when they scratch around the area. Some people use Fertrells Nutri Balancer but my girls have free access to kelp all the time.
I offer my flock Redmond's Mineral Conditioner free choice. They mostly ignore it. But they also free range and get a bucket of food scraps every day, so they're probably doing ok on minerals in their diet.

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