Mini duck pond ideas

Thanks for the ideas everyone.

I don't have the space for a kiddie pool unless I keep the ducks and
turkeys together in a PVC greenhouse that I'm building this weekend.

For now I just need to give them a little pond that goes in the 48" x 30"
brooder cage they are living in. I'm thinking an oil pan. We expect to
have to change the water several times a day.

If my house wasn't for sale I'd dig a real pond.
Good idea!
When my ducks were small I used an under the bed type storage container. They were able to get in and more inportantly get out. Once they were older I used kiddie pools. I don't have meat ducks, we have 10. They are sometimes better egg layers than the chickens and I like their eggs better. Maybe you could try waiting for eggs instead of doing the deed.
I still want ducks... I have the pond.... no more ducks

You are making me want to go sneak over to the hatchery across town and see what they have this weekend.
When mine were little a plastic dishpan worked fine. Then I got a rubber like tub at Agway. They outgrew that and that's when we got the kiddy pool. Now they're in my old water garden. We're going to need to dig bigger next spring. The whole back yard is only 1/2 acre though so big to me won't match Miss Prissy!

If you make it Sunday I can bring it. We're not using it right now!
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Well, they were bred to be meat ducks and I'm told they get ugly when they get older.
My parents didn't cull me so maybe we'll give them a shot at pets.

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