Mini duck pond ideas

Now there's an idea. I'll find an old tub and drop it in the front yard for the
ducks. While I'm at it I'l park 7 old cars there too and maybe an old washing

You know you're a redneck when...
Now there's an idea. I'll find an old tub and drop it in the front yard for the
ducks. While I'm at it I'l park 7 old cars there too and maybe an old washing

You know you're a redneck when...

So what does that make those of us who hear redneck 'jokes' and think "SO. What's wrong with that?" ?????
Muscovy ducks do get ugly That is one duck I can do without. When we lived in Fort Lauderdale they ran wild everywhere. They were not choosy about pooping on your lawn, carport,or patio, or building their nests in inconvenient places. DH wanted the ducks and now my daughter has adopted them but alas I still have to clean their house every day. We have Khaki Campbells,pekings,Mallards and Mallard mixes As I said we have ten 9 females and 1 drake. We average 8-9 eggs a day from them. i love to jbake with them as they are much richer than chicken eggs. My MIL drives up to our place (3 hr drive)once a month to get duck eggs she won't each chicken eggs unless we are out.
Now there's an idea. I'll find an old tub and drop it in the front yard for the
ducks. While I'm at it I'l park 7 old cars there too and maybe an old washing

You know you're a redneck when...

So what does that make those of us who hear redneck 'jokes' and think "SO. What's wrong with that?" ?????

Proud. The answer is proud.

I love the look on people's faces when I list all the animals I have on a 1/2 acre lot.
"Do you have a farm?" "Nope." The confused look on their faces is awesome.
I don't think muscovies are ugly. Having had a few of them and "regular" ducks now I want to switch over to the 'scovies. They're quieter, friendlier and I love watching the gals fly. They also don't use the pond as much as my puddle ducks which means they aren't sleeping on the water anymore so the mink can't get them as easily. They also seem more interested in eating the weeds than my other ducks.
When mine were little they got a little casserole dish once a day to swim in - then they graduated to a roasting pan

Now I have a kiddie pool thats about 7ft across - they keep stepping on the side and pushing it in - got a couple of holes in it already.

They also have a big rubber feeder dish - I have one for my horses water, its probably about 10 inches high or so, and fits one duck really well - three if they're impatient.
We used a round galvanized feed pan from the farm store for a little duck pool. It was something we had gotten years ago for feeding cracked corn to the wild deer. We needed something for our duck orphan. It was short enough for him to climb in and sturdy enough to stay in place. Worked out great. Even when he was full grown, it was just big enough for him to sit in. sometimes he would opt for that instead of his baby pool when he was older.

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