
While taking pictures I found a clue to my predator. I am thinking eagle or one BIG owl. Look at what was under the T bar the guineas roost on. A headless young Guinea, there was a little blood on the T bar. Look closely in the picture you can see feather stuck in the bird netting above the roost. It is approximately 3 feet from the netting to the roost. I would think it would take a very large bird or a very fast bird to push the netting that far down. I am going to try and take some slack out of the net today, but there is not that much slack in it. It took the two of us and a lot of lifting to get the net as tight as it is.... So disappointing. I might give the Jake a leg band and let him loose to mingle with the other turkeys. That way if the BBW looks picked on again, I can jail the offender again.
Maybe add some kind of brace above the roost so that the netting can't be pushed down that far? A coon could have crawled out there and weighed the net down to grab one too

Our two new Swedish Flower hens. Or as my daughter calls them, "Swedish Flower Pots".

They are still the most vocal gals on the block.
Fall is always the worst time for predators for me. I know some say spring, with foxes having kits to feed, etc....but for me? Fall.

Hawks and owls....Still thinking about a game cam. I wish I knew what got my second hen - I did find a few tail feathers in an area that makes me think I must have left her outside the run accidentally - and was gone all day....and the predator got her near the gate. Poor baby was probably trying to get into the run to go roost. That's my theory anyway.

I double checked the run and it seems secure and no holes in the fencing or ground.

my house stinks like a barnyard as the fields behind my woods are being re-manured. I swear it is the third week in a row, god almighty knows how much manure is going down. Most years there is just a day or two of stink but this....has been going on soooo long. Oh well, I missed the skunk stink this year, and it is the first year with no bears, so it all evens out.
@LaLa congrats on being a Grannie soon. That will be fun for you.

Female drama: Fingernails on a chalkboard irritating. But I fear that when my dander is up I sometimes overshare with my DH. that's okay--that's what he's there for. He also brings home his work drama to me. So fair is fair.
It's called being able to vent to ones spouse. Diffuse. Debrief.


@duluthralphie . It seems you have an aerial pred cunning as a fox. Dang things. Makes Chicken Wrangling difficult that's for sure.

I tell you I do knit; but not for chickens. But during my inaugural year with chickens I had the too-many-roosters issue and bare back hens. I shrunk down some wool sweaters in a hot washing machine to felt them up and then I cut out chicken saddles so they wouldn't turn into ice cubes at -20F. So although I wouldn't spend the time with knitting needles on a nice winter's evening watching the Waltons to make chicken gear....I've been known to get crafty with thrift store finds and with a scissors when there was a lack of down on my hens' backs.

Welcome @CassieIvy .

Holy Cats @Coffee 1st . Are you sure you are good to go on building that without a permit? LOL. We have one friend who usually does additions without permits and such. He says that if and when they come the fine is usually the amount of the permit anyways. LOL. Oh well. good work. And as far as helpers go on this . Its much more satisfying saying you did it all by yourself at the end. They could bring you over an iced tea though at least, you'd think...? Nice work getting those Hostas in already. Jeesh. It looks great already!
Bogtown Chick you and Ralphie Hush Your Mushes,,,,LOl... hopefully if someone does come around my tears are pretty enough to get some leniency......
This guy tried to hunt a squirrel for 30 minutes straight this morning. The squirrel thought is was fun. I almost wish we could keep roosters, because he is bound to get close enough one of these days.

P.s. He still needs a home!

@scandiafowl did grumpy meet his doom?
My chickens love to hop up onto my GF's car, and leave her presents on her windsheid/hood on her way to work. Anyone else who free ranges have to deal with this, lol I think its funny, the pickup is too high so Im in the clear! ha

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