
No watery eyes, "runny noses", or breathing issues in anyone else....yet *fingers crossed* I'm going to do another run through when I get home from work. I'm also going to gut the coop tomorrow. I'm less than impressed with the alfalfa hay bales I bought. They always feel damp even when dry. I think I'll just toss pine shavings down the rest of the winter. Anyways, What dosage do you recommend on the Tylan? I've read anywhere from .25cc - 1cc. Going somewhere inbetween, I was thinking .25cc for my marans that are going on 3 months old and .50cc for my 10 month old girls. My route will be injecting into the breast. Times like these I'm thankful I work in the medical field :) Do you recommend Tylan twice a day for any symptomatic birds? Some threads I've read up on say twice....some say once.

I'm mad at myself for not bringing her inside and doing something right away. I was a bit devastated. I'm ticked off because I should have brought her in and pushed some vitamins and kept her warm. She was acting fine aside from a few physical symptoms, so I decided to let it ride out. Not my greatest idea ever.

I put it down in the crop, once a day, 1ml for large birds, .5 for young LF birds or bantams. 5 days. I don't inject in part because then you will ruin the meat if you want to butcher the bird later, that tissue will need to cut away. The down in the crop method shows improvement in 24-hours. If you have a sick bird and after 48 hours they haven't improved, I suggest culling. Some of that respiratory stuff is like wildfire and once they are down they are better off gone.
Like I said, this weather we have had, though it has been mild, has also been damp and hovering right around freezing but not quite brings on the kind of humidity that is just not good for bird keeping.
I wouldn't use hay or straw unless you have a really good way of cleaning it out in winter. I use shavings inside and straw in the outside.
Who here vaccinates their own chicks?? Minnie do u vaccinate chicks??
I don't and won't. The best thing for healthy birds, IMO, is if you buy them, make sure you are getting healthy birds. Then if you have any that show symptoms of Mareks, cull them. Birds that get sick and stay that way for too long or get sick more than once should not be used in breeding since they likely have a weaker immune system.

Like has been said more than once, Mareks exists all over the place, so cull out unhealthy birds and only breed the strongest most vigorous ones you have and you will build a strong flock.

Others may have different approach, but that is mine.
Is that the same 'cheese' as what is cleaned out of pea's sinuses? that's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. Saw video of it. I couldn't decide what was more amazing - the pea being somewhat calm about the procedure or the cheese coming out of the sinuses......
OMG! I had a White Silkie all last winter who had cheesy sinuses!!! It. Was. Disgusting!!! I had to clean them daily. She did great otherwise and even laid eggs. Then in Spring, she up and died. I could get them cleared up. All I can figure is that she got her crest so flithy that it caused a bacterial infection in her sinuses and I could clear it out. I tried antibiotic flush, injections, RX, Vicks, Thieve's Oil... nothing got rid of it. I had to push from inside her mouth to clear that nastiness out of her. Ew!!!!
@holm25, I've been noticing that with people selling chickens too!! Then there are those who are so nice to newbies!! I'm so excited to meet them, or pretty much everyone on this mn forum!!

About the cheese infection (lol), there's more body parts that this comes out of?!? Noooooooooooooo!!!
Cheese in this thread is just pus that is either gooey liquid or hardening, cheesy stuff. It is all gross and stinks like crazy. Once you have to clean out a few bumble feet or whatever, you start getting used to enough to do the job without wanting to barf.
@klopklop, that sounds terrible! I would be nervous I was pulling their brains out or something!!

@holm25, just lmk when!!
Sounds like I need to get pictures for you of my Black Ameraucana rooster's ear. I almost forgot about the ear cheese! Thanks for the reminder, @KlopKlop LOL I did notice today that he has the chunky cheese again, but was in a rush and I have been sick all week so hadn't caught it earlier. Too bad we don't have scratch and sniff pictures to share ;) LOL!!!
I don't and won't.  The best thing for healthy birds, IMO, is if you buy them, make sure you are getting healthy birds.  Then if you have any that show symptoms of Mareks, cull them.  Birds that get sick and stay that way for too long or get sick more than once should not be used in breeding since they likely have a weaker immune system.

Like has been said more than once, Mareks exists all over the place, so cull out unhealthy birds and only breed the strongest most vigorous ones you have and you will build a strong flock.

Others may have different approach, but that is mine.

Do they have to have vaccinations to be shown?? If so where or how do I do that??
Some threads drive me crazy!! I asked the most simple question and they didnt even answer but they could answer complicated questions. Or I post pics and knowone likes them but someone says after I posted pics that they love muscovys so much and everyone responds and likes it. They dont like newbies!!

Have had that experience as well which results in me scurrying back over to Minnesota.
In anticipation of the assfreezing cold weather the clan has double water/ food and I threw in an extra bale of hay to entertain them.
Broody hen (Redneck) remains an unkind female and Inga ( banty Cochin) has joined her.

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