
Are you certain you haven't got any boys? That would be absolutely remarkable to not get a cockerel, even if you ordered them sexed! In fact, the accuracy of professional chick sexers is only about 85%. I would say you hit it big if you got that many pullets.

Well I am starting to question if one is a roo, it is bigger then the rest and does not have the white stripes on the back as the others do. It may be bigger because it is older, but it is big enough that you can easily pick it out by the size.
I asked it if it was a boy or girl...but it didn't give up the info, just looked at me like I am nuts.
Great plan, but never let your guard down with a bull EVER! We hand raised a bull one time, my brother and I mainly. His name was Clyde. He was gentle as could be until he hit 2-years old and we turned him onto pasture for clean-up. He cornered my brother in the hay rack and was starting to really go nuts on him. He was on the trailer the next day. Up until that point, he was always a kitten and only ever did anything aggressive when our one younger sister got around him, then he would push his head against the steal post in front of his stall and snort. We never understood why he only did that with her, but he did it every time she walked near him.
We had a lady that came and milked cows with us for a few years, and her husband was mauled by a bull one time and spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair. They are so unpredicatable, so BE EXTRA CAREFUL.
I turn my back on all my roosters because I know them well enough that I don't worry, but a rooster is much different that a bull by far. ;)
I am always very careful with the bulls. I probably should be more careful with the cows too but I trust all the cows we have to be good. And they have a good amount of respect for humans. Except for one.... She is really weird at times...

I am glad that bull didn't attack your brother! They are very dangerous animals. I was once told that it's the game cows and bulls that kill you. Not the wild ones as you know too watch out for them. Animals of any kind are just too unpredictable!
Oh, and Holm, I was also thinking maybe he would like one of those heavy balls that horses play with. I can just see him pushing one around and playing like a little kid. LOL

I thought about those! I wonder if our local feed and rack place would have something like that? There is a place on the way to Brainerd I always drive by and they have lots of horse stuff.
Blanch we no longer sell beef as we had issues with people. We sold them on the hood so if the person bought a 1200lb steer they didn't get 1200lbs of meat but one person weighed all their beef when they got it home and didn't want to pay for it because they didn't get the whole 1200lbs. Now that was only one person but we didn't want that to happen again.

Minnie we have seen those and have thought about them but haven't got one. Maybe it's time we find one :D
That is to bad. Forgive my sin's, but I live in the city. But I know the difference and love learning all I can about just about everything and I promise I would pay first.
Hope you got to ride without the rain!
We got a new mower and finally started to get our lawn in order, but got rained out half way through. My chickens loved the mowed areas! Lol
it has been raining so much no one can mow the lawn. Now that it isn't. I am on a ride again.
I got a start on the mower again today for this week's round. Hubby was fixing the grass collector while I went around the trees and places it is tough to take that thing around. I should rake up what is in the pasture paddocks, but I doubt I will get to it before it rains. I need to get the tiller fixed first thing so I can finish planting. After the rain, I will need to finish pulling weeks and clearing out the flower bed that has weeds and grass 2-feet high all over. I need to get my dahlias planted this coming week.
Well it looks like yet another one of my Buckeyes is going broody... Darn birds lol. I have some Pro and Buckeye eggs for her and !have a guinea or two. This will be her first time so hopefully she is a good mom.

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