
I had 3 rabbits kindle over these coldest days this week. Geez, isn't that the way it goes? I lost one but think she had a hard time kindling with it being her first time. I did lose a couple out of the other two litters and one momma is taking all of them since they will be warmer altogether and she can stand to lose a little condition.
I am firing up an incubator today and setting my first eggs once it is running smoothly. I will only have about a dozen eggs for this batch though, but I can start getting and idea on fertility.
Hopefully, these warmer days and sunshine will get the breeding going and eggs rolling. I am excited to be starting another hatching season!
I'm super exctied to get my call duck eggs incubating. I have a pair of Pastels and a SQ gray Drake from Dennis Fuller as well as some nice blue fawn hens that originated from Mallard Lane Farms. I should have some real nice ducklings this year.
Do I need to do anything with my roosters frostbitten wattles? They are slightly swollen, but not enough to prevent him from eating.
How will I know if he develops in infection? Right now there is mild swelling and the wattles are black in color. His spirit is good and still likes to eat. :)
You'll most likely smell them. They'll stink: sweet, sickening, metallic smell. Your rooster will lose appetite, start to lose weight. If the skin remains closed though...there shouldn't be any infection...I don't think. The'll turn gray, then shrivel down black and eventually wall off and away from the healthy tissue and slough. Quite the process.
You will see some degree of fluid built up in them when they get frostbitten. I just leave it alone and let Mother Nature takes its course. Unless it is infected, like Bogtown said, I don't want to cause them any more pain by touching and rubbing on them. Plus, if you break the scabs on them, it just allows them to suffer more damage. This has been such a rough year for the birds in dealing with frostbite, I doubt too many of us have escaped it getting at least some of our birds..
New today--his wattles are indeed starting to shrivel and curl up. But he is eating like a pig, so no problems there. I guess he will have a new look.
Our favorite little Rosie (Rhode Island Red) has been puffed up. Drowsy on the roost...comes down to eat once in a while. Noticed her poop is watery with lots of urates and just a few little green poos in it. Got her up to the house tonight and keel bone is pretty prominent, cloaca is empty, but can feel a mass in her abdomen. She'll be 2 in 3 months. I'm thinking EYP. Kids and I are bumming. Reading a lot from Speckled Hen...she had this go through her hatchery stock a few years back and now only buys breeder or heritage stock. Right now she's got a little spunk and is up and down on her roost and eating with the others in the run...but...I'm not liking her prognosis from all my reading tonight.

Oh how she has charmed us.... I don't know quite what to do with this one....
I don't know anything about EYP. But I hate losing chickens. This website has a wealth of information though.

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