
Crap!!!! I have hurt my back again so now I have to have my DH do chores and snow removal for the whole farm. UHGGGG!!!!!!!

Sorry. I hope you feel better soon.
Sorry.  I hope you feel better soon. :hugs

Thank you Cochins1088, We just had another snow storm/ Blizzard. It dumped 3-5 more inches with snow drifts galoor.!!!!! The DH got his 4 wheeler stuck then mine with the plow. We finally got them unstuck it only took us 3 hours. I thought my back was soar then it sear is killing me know!!!!! Now I can barely move at all. It has been a chore just to get the barn chores done to my liking. I am hoping to be able to get to the barn in the morning to see just what has not been done. How ever I am great full that DH is making an effort to do this. He has a hate / like attitude about them. If he didn't do it then my Dad would take over the best he could. Dad does understand what it takes to care for animals. He and I once had 200 Rabbits plus 100 breeding ewe's with 5 Bucks. The sheep would usually give us around 290 - 420 lambs. If they had singles on their 2nd year they went to the auction. We had most of them give us 3-6 lambs each. We miss them every spring with the lambs playing around the barn yard. Now its poultry running around. Okay I am just about asleep, talk more later.
Thanks Bogtown, I do my best to get lots of rest. They have me on predisone so I have the jitters. I have been laying on a damp towel with a heating pad under that. I see my normal doc on the 21st. I have doubled my muscle relaxers to help.
Thanks Bogtown, I do my best to get lots of rest. They have me on predisone so I have the jitters. I have been laying on a damp towel with a heating pad under that. I see my normal doc on the 21st. I have doubled my muscle relaxers to help
I am sorry to hear you are having back issues. I am no stranger to those, in fact, heading to my favorite chiropractor shortly. I hope you are back in the swing of things soon. I know how it is when someone else is doing your chores. I was sick through the holidays and hubby covered things for me. He does a great job, but I always worry that someone got in a wrong pen and went unnoticed and things like that when it is someone else going out for chores.
Be extra careful on ice! That goes for everyone out there.
Thank you Minnie, it sure has sucked. I took the 4wheeler to the barn only to find my last Black Australorp rooster had been fighting something. He was really beat up and I had to put him down. The DH left a door open to the barn. It was a pretty bloody sene for sure. I found some fur and have it to the DNR man who lives just down the road from us to try to figure out what it was. My guess a mink.
Thank you for thinking of me.
Thank you Minnie, it sure has sucked. I took the 4wheeler to the barn only to find my last Black Australorp rooster had been fighting something. He was really beat up and I had to put him down. The DH left a door open to the barn. It was a pretty bloody sene for sure. I found some fur and have it to the DNR man who lives just down the road from us to try to figure out what it was. My guess a mink.
Thank you for thinking of me.
Sorry to hear that
I found a wild rabbit in the yard one day last week without it's head so could be a mink or owl?
Have an extra rooster if you'd like it, not an Australorp but he's going to be gorgeous when he grows up.
If you are going to stay with the Aussies, I might know someone down my way who has some good ones too. I can check if you want. I remember you were saying you were thinking about getting rid of them, so let me know, Heidi.
Yes, sounds like a weasel. I have had one here and took the head off the best show rabbit I had. I think weasel and mink are about the same as far as there predation goes. They can get in holes as small as 1-inch. They follow rodent trails and holes, which we all know, having poultry means having mice at the least. So, guard yourself the best you can.

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