
How long ago did he die? Could the eggs still be fertile. I had that happen once and I collected the eggs for a few days after mine died and still had a good hatch. He was one of my heritage RIR's and father to a champion. I wanted to hatch some of his offspring while the girls were probably still fertile. I did get more champions from him. The gals can be fertile for a good three weeks after the rooster dies. Just curious.

He did in early October, I think I ate him right after the "accident'.
LOL NO apology or sympathy needed. The "hunting accident" was my fault I kept the wrong rooster, he was mean, aggressive and beautiful but just a sphincter muscle on the south end of a north bound horse. I was processing birds and had no EE roosters left, I kept him because he looked so good. Anyways to make a long story short, he was raping pullets, picking on chicks and just being a pest , he jumped at my grand daughter. So I used him for target practice. I tried to catch him in a landing net first he was too smart for that he stood 10 ft away and never let me closer. A .22 out ran him.

BTW I get my wood shavings at TSC, They have them on sale now and then for 5 bucks a bag.
You sure have a way with words! Gave me a laugh. I have to admit I was wondering a bit about "hunting accident", but we have a lot of pheasant hunters around here, so I figured you never know and took it as a possible true loss. He sounded like a real outlaw!
Minnie has OEs.

Welcome new Minnesotans. What a great "winter day"!

I like the TSC shavings. They are bigger flakes than the marth shavings. But fleet farm and l&m have marth. (1 hour away) and my closest TSC is in Elk River. 2 1/2 hours away.
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