
I WAS BORN IN BURNSVILLE!!!! And I lived on Jhonny Cake Ridge Road until I was 9 months old, then I lived in Chipmunk court. ( What the crow is the deal with these street names?????)
I finally found the info if anyone wants to know, it is tomorrow at 9:30. It's a tri-state so there should be alot there I would think. Hope so anyway

Here's a link: http://www.auctionzip.com/Listings/1139694.html
Sunday, May 22, 11. All The Chichen Keepers Ok After The Storms That Went Through This Afternoon? A Lot Of Damage In St. Louis Park.
Speaking of weather ... there's a rumor here in Duluth that the sun may shine tomorrow. If it does, it will be a shocking thrust into SUMMER. My blue-white skin might warm up. And gain some color.

All is well out here in East Bethel, just very very soggy.... All the horse pastures around here look more like lakes. Fridley got hit pretty hard too. North Mpls was the worst. Lookin like I should have waited to put the veggies in, everything pretty much drown from the rain. Now to find my gollashes, snorkle and goggles just to make it to the backyard. Hope everyone else is safe!
Everything is pretty much fine where I live, our property is part wetlands, part woods, so now it is all pretty much wetlands, lol, we still hadn't finished drying up from all the snow melting and rain we've already gotten
I've got a friend in N Mpls, and their house is fine, but he said his neighborhood in general is trashed, they just lost a tree and some branches.
Would someone please make it quit raining....it's getting old. It will be late June and I still won't have my garden in!!! Sorry to complain...I know everyone is in the same boat! (literally)

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