
Thanks for the welcome. Is there a group of people that ever get togther to talk chicken down here in S. MN??
Just curious how everyone's birds are getting along in this heat wave we're having? A couple of my heavier feathered brahmas are panting a bit but otherwise, all are doing OK and I have the fan on and all the windows open for them. Many are laying just about hard boiled eggs in this heat. I don't know how they manage to lay with it being this hot but they do. The weather man says it's to be a 100 on Wednesday. Sheesh!
I just came in from doing some of my chores. Everyone has fresh,clean waterers and ice cold water. Also food. Emptying the muddy duck pool now. Will finish later. All are doing ok and the chickens are laying. Baby chicks haven't needed heat lamp. Whew,It's NASTY out there. I need a dip in the people pool. Bet the water in it is like bath water warm.
I bring mine inside and they stay in the basement. We are keeping our cats in as well. My brahma does not handle the heat at all and I wonder if she has some underlying health issues. This heat is horrid. I can't wait until it's over. My weather station was reading 102 earlier this afternoon in the shade. Bleh!

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