
Hi All!

I added 4 chicks yesterday (BO, EE, Cuckoo Maran, and a Blue Cochin-all LF sexed girls!) And I am trying to resist running into town to pick up a blu EEr (Un sexed).

Must be the season as my two 1 yr old roos (One Lav and one split to Lav Orps) have been going at it! I hate this-my Lav Roo is now limping and terrified. Both also sweethearts to the girls and people-If anyone is looking for a Orp Roo-let me know :-(

Congratulations on the chicks! Did your broody hen Mickey accept them?

Did you separate your roosters? I have someone coming to pick up my blue cochin rooster today.

My rooster Alexander still hasn't eaten or drunken anything since the fight.
Hi "Cochins" No the lil stinker kept pecking them the minute they popped their heads out from under her. And with the temps as low as they were last night, the brooder lamp out there wasnt warm enough to chance leaving them. SO now i have a brooder set back up in the shop (My better half willnot be thrilled when he comes home to find he will be dealing with chicken dander in the shop again).

I am SOO struggling with not running into town to get a blue americana this morning. THey are unsexed but oh so tempting!!! So how is this for dumb psychology: To stop myself from going into town-I havent showered-as I know the minute I shower and get dressed the car keys will be in hand LOL Lame huh?

I am glad you found a home for your blue cochin roo-and sorry to hear ALexanders still not perking up. GIve it time. Does he still have his girl with him?

My Lav Orp Roo is hanging out all by himself out in the run to hide from the other roo Sad!
Sebestopl..... or however it is spelled. They are a kind of goose with curled feathers. Usually white, medium sized.

Oh yes, I just hatched a Sebastopol gosling last month. She's the sweetest. I had 2 eggs shipped to me from Celtic Oaks Farms in Florida.

Where are you getting your eggs from? I want to buy a few local eggs in hopes of hatching out a gander for my little girl.

For incubation tips, I recommend you follow this article. It's a great read and explains just about every aspect of goose egg incubation. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/491013/goose-incubation-hatching-guide-completed

Here's a picture of her at 2 days old.

Here's what she looks like now. She's 1 month old.
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Well, any of you going to the Perham sale?
Just thought I would ask in here in case some of you are going to attend.
Hope to have a ball, and maybe bring home something new!
Right now if I brought another bird home I myself might have to scream. I take some to a sale but bring home even more than what I took. I will have to pass.
I'm usually pretty good about just going to the swaps with birds and not taking any home. However it seems like we end up taking home the furry variety- rabbits, guinea pigs, puppies, kittens etc. I should learn not to bring the kids with
My hubby comes along so he can "try" to have a say in our purchases.
Im going to Perham and check it out. I'm not looking for anything in particular but you never know something might catch my eye. Im only 20 miles from there.
Im going to Perham and check it out. I'm not looking for anything in particular but you never know something might catch my eye. Im only 20 miles from there.
Hello Bantymama,
Do you have any hatching eggs?
I am through with shipped eggs, but if I knew someone was gonna be at perham, I could always use some fertile eggs!

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