

Egg|Plant in St. Paul has organic feed.

Has anyone else tried fishing line to deter hawks? I've strung fishing line between trees and the 2nd floor deck around my yard. So far so good but I guess I won't really know if it's doing the trick unless I see one avoid it, or not avoid it and I lose.
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I understand if you hang reflective aluminum pie tins and old CDs that spin and flash, it will confuse the hawks and they'll leave.  I looked for a good reference but couldn't find one.  Anyway, it might be worth a shot.

I know of people that do hang reflective stuff. They have not lost any chickens to hawks. It can't hurt. It also helps to have hiding places. I took a large piece of scape plywood, put 4 half sides on it and turned it so that they had a hiding place with plenty of escape. With the Harrison Hawk, hunting in packs it I'll not always work. When one goes in on the ground and they leave the other ones will pick her off. But if they are spotted early enough it works great. Chickens usually are very alert the sky predictors, and if you have a good gentleman rooster it is his job to spot threats and sound the alarm.

SnowOwwhitch is might answer your question on fishing line. Where I used to live, that is at my house, I had 1 family of Harrison Hawks overlapping the territory of a white tail hawk, there were a lot of alarms going off for some time. Then it's lowered down. I have a T-Frame garden set up, with baling twine as a trills, then bird netting over that to keep the girls out. I found what I believe to be hawk feathers. What I think happened is a hawk came in between the trills and got caught in the bird netting. My girls have dedicated to finding ways into my garden. Two of my girls where happily eating my garden inside the raised bed. They were already in the garden or ducked in for safety, but after that my girls have had a much more peaceful time free ranging. :rolleyes: As for my garden, it remand in danger from the girls. Hawks were my house is are way to hungry to wast time when there are so many golf courses and fat Bunnies
you can see the netting. I bought 14'X300' at a ag/greenhouse sight.
. I lifted the netting so my girls could clean out my garden bed, plants and bugs/grubs.
Correction: you can see the netting here too. I tied to bottom to PVC pipes I lifted 1 section.
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Selling my blue laced red wyandottes if anyone is interested! I have a trio consisting of a blue roo (1-1.5yrs) and 2 splash hens (1.5-2yrs). There is also a black hen (1-1.5yrs) and a splash pullet (4-5months) I'd be willing to sell with the trio if interested. Gorgeous, friendly birds just need to make room for other breeds. Pm me for more info!

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nnhomestead, I wish I could but I will have to be happy with just 2 girls until June 2016 when {at this time} my house will no longer be rented out. At that time I can sell my home and move. Have no idea where yet, but out of the desert. My house is in Phoenix, AZ. 115* is just as bad as -20* on chickens. I have friends that have A/C unites in the coops for cooling them down.

I used to have 6 of these dishes plus a large shallow pan so they could get their feet wet. A fan and a misting system kept them alive. No hot feed, and no scratch in the summer. I love MN, I was born and raised, it is still an option.

Yes she is laying in the water. She would stay there for hours.
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How many active MN-BYC are there? This is such a wonderful source, I am a massed by how few are using it. What happens, lack of activity, people lose interest? Everyone needs to hang in there, keep posting and this thread will grow. The AZ thread gets about 20 posts a day averaging over 6-1/2 yrs.. This could be a go-to thread.
Wondering if anyone here uses Hy View organic feed? The owner seemed nice and it's sold in a feed place near me. It looks a lot like scratch and peck feeds (what I currently buy) but it's cheaper.
Wondering if anyone here uses Hy View organic feed? The owner seemed nice and it's sold in a feed place near me. It looks a lot like scratch and peck feeds (what I currently buy) but it's cheaper.

Where is that, the feed. Do you have a phone number. I have 1 lead on good organic feed, over an hour from me. Had not had time to go out and get it yet.

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