
Just hatched!
9lbs 3oz
Little boy
Had a decent hatch this week, too.
Looking forward to catching up as I recover.
Hope all is well with the MN thread :)

Congratulations!! So happy for you! He's beautiful. Had you in my prayers. Wishing you a healthy and easy recovery!
@Minniechickmama I'm so sorry to hear those weasels are still at it. I haven't been in the thread awhile and popped in and saw that. It's so sad and has to be unbelievably frustrating. You've had one heck of a spring between the hatches and this. I hope those blasted things are done for soon. Wish I knew some kind of answer.
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Minnesota Nice that coop is coming along. How big is it?! It looks roomy and I tell you what...you're going to appreciate that. What bad luck on all those extra roos. Definitely should talk to the hatchery that sexed out those pullets...but then sometimes people just don't care. How frustrating.

Well still no Fern.
I think she is gone by predator or she'll turn up in about 14 more days with a string of chicks, like you said Minnie...but I had no inkling or bick bicking noise out of her before she disappeared. Do you think it's possible she wouldn't show outward signs of broodiness prior to going broody? I mean Dixie, the silkie is so obvious in her signs and symptoms..... hard to say. What's weird is the day I lost her she dropped an egg in the lawn...I can't remember if I mentioned this or not. I thought it was a puff ball mushroom at first and then walked over and picked it up and here it was a precious blue egg. The dragon flies hatched today and so the crew was out mowing those guys down. I don't really like that they eat the dragon flies, our comrades against evil mosquitos....but I must admit it does my heart good to see them getting the natural protein and foraging for the stuff that is so good for them.

The "Chicken Beast", as I've fondly named it, is 12x9. I'm very thankful for the size! Right now the poor chickens look at me like....GET ME OUT OF THIS TRANSITION CAGE! I was going to mention something about all of the Roos I ended up with to the hatchery, but I don't even know if it's worth my time. I'll probably just end up with some more Roo chicks. It looks like I'll have 10 healthy hens, so I can't complain. Next Spring, I'll get more chicks and go about it a bit differently. That, or I'll just purchase some adult hens. I'm actually considering getting a pair of Khaki Cambells. We'll see.

I'm sorry about Fern. I hope you see her strolling up with a string of chicks in tow in a few weeks.

In the nick of time the coop is done, other than some cosmetic work and installation of larger windows. A neighbor sold some hay to us and I created a small "enclosure", although fhey have free run of the coop. Didn't sleep well last night, was almost going to get out my gear and camp in the coop!
So it has been 24 days since I have last seen my turkey hen. How many more days would be needed for incubation? And would she bring them right home after they hatch or wait a few days? Of course that is me being optimistic that she hasn't become dinner to some predator and is setting on some eggs that are fertile and that she would bring them here instead of living wild. Too much to be hoping for?
So it has been 24 days since I have last seen my turkey hen. How many more days would be needed for incubation? And would she bring them right home after they hatch or wait a few days? Of course that is me being optimistic that she hasn't become dinner to some predator and is setting on some eggs that are fertile and that she would bring them here instead of living wild. Too much to be hoping for?

It is 28 days to hatch and I would think she would bring them back within a day or two.

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