
Hi all! I haven't stopped in for awhile but wanted to show you my hen from Triplell, Judy, she's been so funny. I adore her. She thinks she's a robin I think, up in the bird feeder. ;)


But now she goes from laying once or twice a week, in the nesting box, to five times a week. But, she found a spot that just keeps me shaking my head...



Day after day, sneaks into the garage and hops into the trash can. But now laying up a storm. My son found the one egg and then I caught her in the act the one morning I heard her laying noise lol. Thankfully it's all clean stuff in there, mostly all burnables.

I guess she is the least broody hen I'll ever have. Apparently some strong feelings about eggs!
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AmericanKraut, that is an interesting looking rooster in that photo. Is it a crossbreed of some sort?
I have a friend in Wisconsin who uses 5 gal pails for his bantam hens to brood in. It seems to work quite well. It seems that your hen has taken it up a notch. Probably thinking this is a nice spot and nobody should bother me here.
We lost another bird today. A big BR cockerel (one of the largest). He was fine last night and down today. Rather than try to figure out how to treat we just butchered him. I'm pretty sure he had some sort of respiratory issue (maybe the turkey did, too). He was a little wheezy and had a little bit of gunk coming out of his nostrils. In the future what is the best way to treat a respiratory issue?
The heat and humidity can throw some into a respriratory spell, but most will bounce back without any intervention, but I sometimes get Tylan powder and use it in their water at those times.
Sorry you lost one.
The fastest way to attack respiratory issues is 1 ml of Tylan50 injectable put down the throat and directly into the crop for 5 days.
The heat and humidity can throw some into a respriratory spell, but most will bounce back without any intervention, but I sometimes get Tylan powder and use it in their water at those times.

Sorry you lost one.

The fastest way to attack respiratory issues is 1 ml of Tylan50 injectable put down the throat and directly into the crop for 5 days.

Very helpful, TY!

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