
AmericanKraut, that is an interesting looking rooster in that photo.  Is it a crossbreed of some sort?
I have a friend in Wisconsin who uses 5 gal pails for his bantam hens to brood in.  It seems to work quite well.  It seems that your hen has taken it up a notch.  Probably thinking this is a nice spot and nobody should bother me here.

Yes, he's the Cream Legbar from Triplell and Judy, too. I do have some pails, maybe through I should try old Tidy Cat litter ones for her as a transition, still a bit trashy, wouldn't want to go to fancy from her Oscar the Grouch trash can too fast!
So, I had to go to a graduation for a couple of hours today, checked the weather, said no rain, so I left the hen house windows wide open... While I was gone, a storm blew through with sideways rain from the north.  Well, it rained in my hen house, all the wood shavings were soaked, the whole floor. I spent the rest of the afternoon getting them out and putting new in (had to run to TSC) Plus, the ladies were po'd, I spent the time listening to the ladies yell at me and tell me the hell they went through as they didn't have anywhere to go to get out of the wind and the rain.  I swear, they yelled at me for over an hour! :barnie   Do not trust the stupid weather people. They can't get anything right!  Wet windblown hens, are not happy hens...

Oh no! That stinks! And you got clucked out to boot!
Quality of life for Sunshine, thr Cornish Cross

Am struggling a bit with this. When I purchsed seven chicks from a feed mill in May a CC was in the mix.

What a big hen! At almost two months Sunshine weighs almost four lbs.

She's active outside with the rest of the herd but can't roost. I know what her fate would have been in a commercial factory.

There is a part of me that wants her to live out her days with us. I've explained to my daughter that Sunshine won't live as long as the other birds.
Quality of life for Sunshine, the Cornish Cross

Am struggling a bit with this. When I purchsed seven chicks from a feed mill in May a CC was in the mix.

What a big hen! At almost two months Sunshine weighs almost four lbs.

She's active outside with the rest of the herd but can't roost. I know what her fate would have been in a commercial factory.

There is a part of me that wants her to live out her days with us. I've explained to my daughter that Sunshine won't live as long as the other birds.
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SF if u keep her free ranging and limit her feed she should be able to live a 3 year life. But that is rarely seen.
We lost another bird today.  A big BR cockerel (one of the largest).  He was fine last night and down today.  Rather than try to figure out how to treat we just butchered him.  I'm pretty sure he had some sort of respiratory issue (maybe the turkey did, too).  He was a little wheezy and had a little bit of gunk coming out of his nostrils.  In the future what is the best way to treat a respiratory issue?

How are the other chickens? Any sign of the illness running its course?
Limiting feed would be the toughest part. She is with the rest of the crew and would be isolated. I know she eats and eats. Amazing.

I would make a thing she cant get up on or over but the others can that way u can moniter feed intake. Like make a 1 foot tall wall thing and that would keep her out.

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