
Ha Ha Holm!  Um, yeah we do have a predator here and there. And yes those duck eggs would be fertile.  2 ducks, 2 drakes.  No shortage there. ;)

Could she brood in her coop. It seems like it would be hard to break a duck.
Could she brood in her coop. It seems like it would be hard to break a duck.
Yes, she could. The one problem is the 2 ducks share a nest. So the Khaki will just keep laying in the Rouen's nest. Unless I mark eggs somehow and take out the Khaki's everyday (you know dang well what a broody duck acts like woo hoo MEAN!) I can not think if any other way.
Yes, she could.  The one problem is the 2 ducks share a nest.  So the Khaki will just keep laying in the Rouen's nest.  Unless I mark eggs somehow and take out the Khaki's everyday (you know dang well what a broody duck acts like woo hoo MEAN!) I can not think if any other way.

I want a mean broody!! All of mine are nice. If she had a 3x3 pean it would be big enough.
I had a fox attack this morning. It was going after the tom turkey. Many (and I mean many) piles of feathers all over the yard. DH managed to take two shots at it but not successful. Surprisingly, the turkey is still alive. I am not sure if he will make it or not. His back is pretty bad. It has been very warm and humid and I can't seem to get him to drink at all. But, I understand that is the way of things on the farm. The turkeys are completely free ranged so I am surprised it hadn't happened sooner. With Ralphie's help today, I think I can find the right things I need to hopefully keep this fox and others at bay.

I'm so, so sorry. Traumatic for that turkey and a bit of a scare for everyone. I hope the fox got enough of a scare that it isn't coming back.
I need to know how you got them crossed with road runners?

When it comes time to put them to bed they are the fastest little buggers. They refuse to run into the brooder/tractor. They prefer to run under the lilac bushes, under the scrap iron trailer or under the old granary. They run fast and look like the road runner avoiding Wiley coyote. They point their head low and in the direction they want to run, stretch their tail out straight behind them for better aerodynamics and off they go.

Yup!! I named two of mine Thelma and Louise. They're young pullets and take off the second the coop door opens up. Those little crests on top of their heads all I see, off the road runners go.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. We took the kids kayaking on the MN River yesterday, the cat had kittens yesterday (their birthday will be easy to remember!), and went swimming at Flandrau today. Maybe now that the weekend is over I can finally get something done around here. The chicken tractor is still waiting to be painted. I love painting (said no one ever).
I had a fox attack this morning. It was going after the tom turkey. Many (and I mean many) piles of feathers all over the yard. DH managed to take two shots at it but not successful. Surprisingly, the turkey is still alive. I am not sure if he will make it or not. His back is pretty bad. It has been very warm and humid and I can't seem to get him to drink at all. But, I understand that is the way of things on the farm. The turkeys are completely free ranged so I am surprised it hadn't happened sooner. With Ralphie's help today, I think I can find the right things I need to hopefully keep this fox and others at bay.
He is probably in shock right now, but if he can fight through it and start drinking, that is the biggest immediate hurdle. I would say get some antibiotics too if the fox broke the skin. 4ml of penicillin for 5 days would be about right if it is a big turkey, but younger then lower the dosage. Good luck.
I hate predators.
I lost 2 birds today. One was the best White Silkie hen I had. I am not sure if she just got too hot and couldn't take it, or if it was a result of an infection i have been fighting with her for a while. It was gross, in her nares (nostrils). I am guessing it came from when she would eat and drink and get her crest all sorts of nasty, then it would hang in her face.
The other was one of my New Hampshire roosters that when I let them out on pasture with other birds, he got the snot beat out of him and didn't recover. I had separated him in a pen to recover, but it didn't help. Then I had to put 2 down, one was a juvie who's wing was pecked half off by the rest of the pen. I hate that 2-3 month stage when that happens, and it can happen no matter the pen or how many. I really makes me angry to see that. The other was a New Hampshire cockerel who had some weird thing going on but seemed to eat, drink and get around fine. I was just holding him to get big enough to sell to someone who would eat him, but then he developed some leg problems and could walk right.

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