
I just took a video of my bantam OEGB rooster in flight!
wow, three new persons in one morning! thats awesome.

aimlessego, mnbrewdude, and shannonandken!

This morning the dominque waded through 7 inches of snow to get to her doghouse nest! guess I should shovel a path.
What? Where?
well, it was this morning when I posted it. Now, this afternoon? Nice and sunny but still a bit of wind.

The quail pen got snow inside the run for the first time this winter - it is wrapped on the north side and partially on the east. Quail were happy - I've been putting a chunk of snow in there every now and then this winter because they like to peck at it and eat some - and now there is plenty in the run for them.

I spent an hour shoveling out my screened porch. About once a winter with a bad storm the snow will come in through the screens. I had about 3-4 inches in there, and it means moving a lot of furniture to get the snow cleared out.

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