
In my experience, Wyandottes and Buff Orpingtons do great job of thriving through the winters. Barred Rocks also do well. They handle the cold weather and still produce eggs steadily.

I am excited that I am getting some Black Copper Maran chicks soon.

I would also like to get some Gold Laced Wyandotte chicks if anyone in the northeast metro has a line on any.

Update: Thanks to the BYC's wonderful GrammyPam, I have 8 beautiful little Black Copper Maran chicks. They are doing great, and just as cute as can be. I'm attaching a couple pics for those who are interested.

Pam, thanks again - It was great meeting you and checking out your coop and run setups!

Aw cute!!!

My australorp, red stars, silkies, EE, barred rock, welsummer, spekcled sussex, cochins, and leghorns all are good in the winter.

The only breed I had trouble with was my Sumatra hen, maybe it was just her or maybe it is the breed but she didn't do as well even though I had a heat lamp on.
Hi again Triplell,

I got a the black copper maran a couple of days ago, a 5 1/2 month old sweetie for $5.00 from a really neat family near Bemidji. But thank-you for the offer. Looks like I,'m heading toward mixed breed, too. That's a good fit for us....same with our (recently deceased) dog Hannah and Mittens.....all rescue.

Have a blessed day!
Hello!! We're from Minnesota too! Up in Garrison
Hi All! Haven't been up to Garrison yet. Maybe will make that trip one day.
How did all you northern Minnesotans fare with the latest big storm?

Our house was hit by a huge pine....but just external damage. We're grateful God was watching out for us..especially DH who was 2 feet from where it fell!. He was gazing at the chicken coop he just built and was praying it wouldn't be ripped off its concrete foundation. Much love labor went into that job for him. The giant pine that hit our house sheared two rooflines and landed on the the third and then the deck. Cleanup happened the next day after the pics (for the assessor).

A couple of familes in the area came over for showers as we had electric whereas around 5000 homes did not (our electric cable is all buried where we are) and another family just couldn't take the heat and so moved in with us for 2 days with theire kids and new puppy ( a gorgeous mini Australian shepherd) (no basement at their house..never build without a basemnet if possible)

Lots of trees down everywhere and the ensuing damage. No deaths. Amazing!


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