Minor attack by dog


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 24, 2012
Vancouver Island
Arg! It's just one of those dumb mistakes! I wasn't watching and one of my shows birds flew over the fence, straight into the jaws of my little dachshund! I heard chicken screams and i ran outside. She was by the neck and dangling. I pried her out, and she was fine. (god protects the stupid!!!) I took her back into the chicken yard. She looked like she was in shock (not really moving or flapping around) no blood or twists or anything. So, when I gave her a little push to see if she would fly, she face planted on the ground.

So, are her wings broken? Will she make it through the night (or at all?) Should I bring her to the vet or separate her from her chicken buddies? I don't know what to do!
Her right wing is slightly droopy and her right eye is kinda squinty. Is her wing broken, or just in pain. She can flap it (I pushed her gently backwards and she flapped both wings, but the right she had difficulty with) Should I bring her to the vet (I don't really wanna pay the bills, but you know, you pay for your mistakes...)
sounds like she might have some injuries with the eye squinting and chickens like any other animal will hide their injurys so it just depends on how much she is worth to you. personally i would do a wait and see

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