Minorca thread!

Hey WYANDOTTE.... I'm New to Minorcas, and could use some info from you.,, here is 1 of 6. He/she is about 15 weeks old. I think that my Minorcas are very slow growing and seem to be small. Also in picture is "big head" my 17 week old Ameraucana. This Minorca is the largest of the six, all seem to be different sizes and all are the same age.
Hen or Roo , can you tell. I think they may have come form Ideal, I got them from local feed store.


From what I can tell in the photo it looks to be a pullet. A cockerel of that size would already have a little more comb than that.
Hatchery Minorcas most likely will not get as big as the others but are still very good chickens and will lay very well also.
Hope this info helps you out. I have had hatchery Minorcas before and as chickens go they are just fine. You will get alot of eggs from them for sure!

Thanks John. Also my Minorcas are going over the run fence, its 6 feet high, going up another 2 feet to day. Do you think this is high enough? None of the other chickens (all heavy breeds,,BO,BA,Wyan. silver & gold,) even try, except for the Marans who were/are raised with the Minorcas. They all hang together and if the Mins go over so do the Marans.
I'm hoping 8 feet is enough. Can't put a top on right now, run is 50 x 35.

Yes, Minorcas can be flighty for sure just like any other lighter breed. You could try the 8ft fence and see if that helps, the other option would be is to trim their flight feathers to keep them from flying.
Mine stay locked up because of predators in the area we live in but they definetely have the ability to get up in the air pretty high. Even my big Minorcas can fly straight up in the air 8-10 feet.
Hope the info helps you out!

I have 3 great looking single comb cockerals They are only 6 months old and they are already the tallest minorcas i have. And i have some huge pullets with good long backs and long legs. I have a couple more minorcas from another pen but they are still really young and hard to tell how good they are yet but I know i have atleast 1 good pullet out of that group. I also have a great pair of blue andalusians and one long splash pullet.
Hey everyone, I've really enjoyed the thread. WyandotteTX, I was wondering where you might recommend getting a small breeding flock of Minorcas. I'm looking to buy some birds for free range and hopefully to have a flock that will be able to keep giving me new layers year after year (with maybe some help with an adoptive mother to go helpful since I've not heard great things about Minorcas sitting). Where would you suggest? I'd like my birds to be as big as possible for the breed, since I'll be culling the excess every year.
Well I guess it is going to depend on how much you want to spend. If you want large, quality birds you are going to have to pay a pretty hefty price for adult stock I am afraid. If you want to buy baby chicks my best recommendation for that would be to buy some from Sandhill Preservation. They are a mixture of hatchery and quality stock and have good size, with good egg production. Of course I am only talking about the LF Single Comb Blacks. Murray McMurray Black Minorcas are going to be smaller but will lay very well. At this time of year I am not sure you will be able to obtain either honestly as most hatcheries are getting close to being done.
The same may be said for trying to obtain hatching eggs right now also. Just too hot this time of year.
I hope I have been of assistance but not sure how much help I have been....haha.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask, will do my best.

Thank you WyandotteTX! I appreciate the help. I had looked at Sandhill but wasn't sure of their reputation. But I'll probably end up trying them out. I am just fine with starting out with chicks, I'd rather be able to handle them early to get used to me anyways. I'm very comfortable around animals, but my experience with chickens is limited to feeding, watering, putting them up at night, etc. But not really handling them. Are Minorca's good with other birds? I've been thinking about getting a Silkie from my neighbor or some other bird to go broody for me. I'm hoping for a flock that won't be so labor intensive, including the hatching of new members.
Glad I could be of help to you. Just like any other birds, the more you are around them and mess with them the more they are going to be comfortable with you. If you handle them alot as they are growing up they are just as friendly as any other. As far as personality goes, the best way I can describe my Minorcas is they are meek. Not pushy at all with other birds, even timid. They are vigorous, active birds though
Sandhill also sells White Minorcas if you are interested in a different variety other than Black.


here is a pic of my biggest cockeral (the picture makes him look smaller than he really is)

this is one of my larger pullets

and heres some pics of my andalusian pullet​

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