Miracle- Hello! guinea/chicken crossbreed

Hi Miracle, I love your latest picture. I can see you are watching out for owls, and raccoons and other predators. Mother's Day is coming up soon, please remember to do something nice for your mama and Mena, they have taken such good care of you. Maybe you could find some nice bugs for mama, I'm not sure what Mena would like.
I brought a new "baby" Guinea hen into the flock last week. She is doing just fine and has the going back to the barn thing down pat.
I think of Miracle when I see her because she is new and alone for now. I am sure the Guinea flock will be roaming with her in a few weeks and she will have
buddies to run with and roost with.

Keep up the great work Mena, your bird is so very special to us all.
Congrats on your new little hen. I hope the rest of your flock accepts her without too much pecking. We bought a lone guinea (Miracle's mother) once and she was never accepted. It was sad. The others chased her away from the food. I had to coop her seperately a few times to try to give her extra food. That is why I have always been so thankful that Little Bit and Rascal hatched out so Miracle would not be alone. It is really hard to witness how mean the other birds can be. I hope you don't have that problem with your new little one.
Congrats on your new little hen. I hope the rest of your flock accepts her without too much pecking. We bought a lone guinea (Miracle's mother) once and she was never accepted. It was sad. The others chased her away from the food. I had to coop her seperately a few times to try to give her extra food. That is why I have always been so thankful that Little Bit and Rascal hatched out so Miracle would not be alone. It is really hard to witness how mean the other birds can be. I hope you don't have that problem with your new little one.

Today I was out cleaning the horse water tub and along came the little one with a new pie bald buddy. I was so very pleased that she found a bird to adventure with. Other Guinhens came along after those two and awy they all went out into the horse paster "talking" to each other and pecking for bugs.

It is a good day for the baby.
Congrats on your new little hen. I hope the rest of your flock accepts her without too much pecking. We bought a lone guinea (Miracle's mother) once and she was never accepted. It was sad. The others chased her away from the food. I had to coop her seperately a few times to try to give her extra food. That is why I have always been so thankful that Little Bit and Rascal hatched out so Miracle would not be alone. It is really hard to witness how mean the other birds can be. I hope you don't have that problem with your new little one.

Today I was out cleaning the horse water tub and along came the little one with a new pie bald buddy. I was so very pleased that she found a bird to adventure with. Other Guinhens came along after those two and awy they all went out into the horse paster "talking" to each other and pecking for bugs.

It is a good day for the baby.

Wow! I'm so impressed and happy for your little one! Hope your good fortune continues.
Hello from Miracle,

Hi everyone. I hope all the birds at your house are having as much fun as we are here. There are so many good things to eat outside now. We still eat some in the coop and get our favorite treats too. I have noticed something different about my chicken and my guinea families. The chickens have bad manners when they eat treats. They will take a big chomp of bread out of Mena's hand and even bite her fingers sometimes. They don't hurt her but it is just rude the way they do it. The guineas are very nice when they get treats. They will patiently wait their turn while the chickens are grabbing and gobbling. Then once the chickens start getting full and move over a little the guineas will step up politely and take small sweet little bites out of Mena's hand. They never bite her. I am sorry to say that I have the manners of a chicken. I am going to try to be more polite like the guineas but sometimes the chicken just comes out in me and I can't help it.

There are some other things I have noticed. When Boss, the chicken rooster, takes a treat from Mena's hand he will put it down, step back, and cluck for his hens to eat it. (he has 7 hens for his girlfriends) He never eats it himself. He gives it to them. Then he steps back with his head held high like he is saying "Look how good I treat my girls." Boss wants everyone to notice what a great rooster he is. He really is a great rooster but he is a little bit of a "showoff". The guinea cocks, on the other hand, will take a piece of bread quietly from Mena's hand, lay it down on the ground for their girlfriend, let her have a bite, and then share the rest with her. On this farm there are an equal number of guinea cocks and hens so they each have one girlfriend. The guinea cock doesn't cluck loudly like Boss does and he doesn't act like a "showoff" either. The guineas just have nicer manners most of the time.

I have to go in the coop to cool off a little bit now. It is hot outside. I have to be very careful in there though. There are eggs everywhere in the coop and grumpy hens are sitting on them.



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