Miracle- Hello! guinea/chicken crossbreed

Oh Mena,
It's Sunday night and I just sat down hoping to catch a tale of you and Miracle only to read the sad news that she had died. I am so sorry.
I have some of her feathers in a flower arrangement and I just had to go and touch them. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to see her and touch her. Her big eyes just searching all the time. She was one lucky Miracle from day one. Your writing her stories have brought such joy to so many families. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tale.
With much love your big city friend and Bella who once lived with Miracle
Oh, yes! Miracle loved my purple wave petunias. They are small in this picture of her but they have grown to spill over the sides now. I caught her in it again just a week ago.


Here is a picture of the little garden spot where we placed her. It was smaller but we enlarged it a little to circle her. The plants will have to fill in the bare spots. There was a huge cedar tree there that had to be cut and the roots will be there a long time. I wanted to leave the stump and plant a little garden around it. I'll put something there that says "Miracle's Garden".

I'm so glad you got to see Miracle in person. Her eyes were HUGE, weren't they. In pictures you can see the pupils in them but in person they were just soft pools of very dark brown. And yes, always watching and cautious. She used them to give Bella the stink eye too and had Bella backing up! That was funny.

Oh Mena.. i have to thank you so much for the joy you and Miracle have brought us. What a darling bird and her caregiver :) Im overjoyed she is there with you still and willing to share her ~~~life behond~~~ through you.. It's gotta be a kick for a bird so loved to be able to still bring joy. Your a great team, and though that dang bird made me cry today when i read this, i too am looking forward to hearing of her happness now as well... Bless ya girl for carring so much and sharing her life with us..
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I also read miracle's thought's. I'm so sorry to hear of her passing. There is a special place over the rainbow bridge for miracle.
I am so sorry to hear that Miracle has passed. She was truly beautiful and unique, and I loved reading her comments on her life on the farm. She will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, Miracle.
I just started reading Miracle's story, & I am so sorry that she's passed. It sounds like she had such a full life & enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you so much for sharing her life story.

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