Misshaped Pupil- Mareks???


10 Years
Jun 10, 2013
I rescued Bonnie two years ago. I think she is pretty old. I am not sure if she was ever vaccinated as a chick. I think she is a production red.


Bonnie's 'normal eye'

Bonnie's 'weird eye'

She is also panting, most of my birds are- it's really hot. She is doing everything else normal, eating, drinking... Etc.

I just got back from a 10 day vacation and noticed this when I picked her up. I heard symptoms may come and go. Is this the dreaded Mareks or something else? Should she be separated? Some of my chickens aren't vaccinated.

Please help and thanks!
I just wanted to say that I think I may have a case of Meraks in my flock and I am terrified... I don't know what I am going to do... My hen has the paralysis.... I am trying everything I can to help but I can't imagine her life like this... And I am terrified of walking out and seeing more sick...just wanted to let you know you aren't alone
Proud-armywife, leg paralysis isn't always Marek's.

Lead posioning, botulism, dehydration, and vitamin deficiencies are also causes of lameness.

Pop some B12 and E Vitamins in her water and see if that helps. ♡

I rescued Bonnie two years ago. I think she is pretty old. I am not sure if she was ever vaccinated as a chick. I think she is a production red.

Bonnie's 'normal eye'

Bonnie's 'weird eye'

She is also panting, most of my birds are- it's really hot. She is doing everything else normal, eating, drinking... Etc.

I just got back from a 10 day vacation and noticed this when I picked her up. I heard symptoms may come and go. Is this the dreaded Mareks or something else? Should she be separated? Some of my chickens aren't vaccinated.

Please help and thanks!

The lower picture looks like Ocular Mareks disease.

here is another image of Ocular Mareks in the form called "Gray Eye"

Mareks is incurable and any bird that continues to survive will become a carrier of Marek Disease.
Proud-armywife, leg paralysis isn't always Marek's.

Lead posioning, botulism, dehydration, and vitamin deficiencies are also causes of lameness.

Pop some B12 and E Vitamins in her water and see if that helps. ♡


Thank you mrs. B I am using nutradrench but will add those specific vitamins to water thank you so much for any advice
The color of the eye looks to be the same as her good eye so not sure it's Marek's. In my own case, when the ocular changes started it was rapid and you knew. Their gait would be off, they would stand and sway sometimes. Sometimes they would even walk in a tight circle. Like I said, you just knew.

Wait and watch, there are other things besides Marek's that can cause pupil change, including genetics. As in people, when the weather is extreme, it can bring out symptoms we don't normally see and when things modify, everything returns to normal. Now I hope you don't think I'm making light of this...I'm not. But if, on the odd chance that it is Marek's, the other birds, if any, are exposed already and you'll just have to wait to see if their immune system will be able to throw it off. I have learned over time that if the worst happens and trust me, Marek's is not the worst, you just have to make the choice of going forward or stopping for a while and wait before getting more birds.
Proud Army Wife I really do understand your fear, oh yeah do I ever. Still, if you are giving your birds a Super B Complex per gallon of water, making sure the food is free from mold and not on a recall, you have done just about all you can. You could try re vaccination with the Turkey Marek's vaccine if you wanted, but there are other things that will cause paralysis in birds, vitamins being the most prominent because of the feed being off. Not knowing the age or condition of the flock, it's hard knowing what's going on.
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I just wanted to say that I think I may have a case of Meraks in my flock and I am terrified... I don't know what I am going to do... My hen has the paralysis.... I am trying everything I can to help but I can't imagine her life like this... And I am terrified of walking out and seeing more sick...just wanted to let you know you aren't alone

Sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope another poster helped you out.

Thanks everyone! I guess I will have to wait and see. I'll let you all know.

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