Missing chicken


9 Years
Sep 5, 2010
Salado Texas
One of my chickens is missing, I'm so sad. I'm praying she has gone broody in the woods. I had one of my others go missing several months back, but she was much younger and didn't have a name yet, she had wondered to the neighbors yard through a hole in the fence, ended up finding her way back a couple of weeks later. But the coons have been more active lately. My landlord has started taking her cat food in at night, and we think the coons are moving towards the road to find food. I just hope she didn't suffer from heat stroke and is out there somewhere suffering. Its been so hot. I pray I find her tomorrow. Henny Penny if you got ate, I hope it was a swift death.
Sorry, hope Henny Penny finds her way home.
If its a hawk, there wont be any sound or sign of a struggle, just a missing bird. they swoop down and are gone in a flash...seen it with my own eyes. coons and possums make a mess getting to, and escaping with, the bird their after, plus you'll hear that god-awful fight. i keep watch for the hawks, and ive shot a bunch of coons, so i havent had any problems for a good while. i baited with dog food and kitchen scraps, and at times was able to shoot three or four at a time, so that stopped. possums are solitary and mostly are out at night, but i dont think they'rer near the problems coons and hawks are.
She was in the coop this morning, several of my neighbors help me with the chickens so, I dont know if one found her or I just cant count....sigh, I feel like an idiot

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