Missing feather's from back at base of tail! Bareback chickens?!?!?!

Another update: The girls have both now grown most of their feathers back. It was a long process as they started growing them back, then molted and lost most of them again
, but, now they are looking very lovely (sorry, I haven't been taking many photos it was just too cold to keep the big coop doors open for very long). I am now thinking of taking their saddles off, but, I'm worried that this might happen all over again! So, any of you had success with your birds feathers growing back? I'd be interested to hear some updates.
OK, I had this problem with one of my 5 hens. Missing feathers on back of head and back... I've separated her (she's living in my office in a xl dog crate) I treated her with blue kote. My question is it's incredibly cold out - MA- Can I put her back out with the others before her feathers grow back? They just started... She seems lonely...
ccbeachchick, I had a hen that began losing her feathers on her back at the tail. I sprayed the BluKote on her and left her in with the flock. Nobody bothered her. Of course, this was in the summer so loss of feathers wasn't a big deal. Her feathers grew back beautifully. You are experiencing very cold weather, so you might want to check on the internet for "chicken sweaters". And, just a word of caution, she will not be happily greeted back into the flock if she is out of their sight for very long. Then you may have more problems with them hurting her.
I've heard not to use the chicken sweaters, and realize the problem with putting her back. I asked at the feed store the other day and they suggested sneaking her in at night...
OK, I had this problem with one of my 5 hens. Missing feathers on back of head and back... I've separated her (she's living in my office in a xl dog crate) I treated her with blue kote. My question is it's incredibly cold out - MA- Can I put her back out with the others before her feathers grow back? They just started... She seems lonely...
I'm not sure about putting them back together as my girls were never separated, but, with the saddles on them it took a while for the feathers to grow back, but, they did and they are doing very well. The issue with it being cold, I have plenty of experience with that living in Alberta and I was also concerned about them being very cold with the skin on their backs exposed and they didn't seem to have any issue and then when I did put the saddles on, it covered the bare skin and I think kept the brunt of the cold weather off the skin. I didn't have any issues with frost bite or anything like that and they have remained through out the entire episode in good health. How long has she been separated from the rest of the flock for? Sneaking her in at night sounds like maybe a good plan
. It's a totally frustrating problem
I hope she gets her feathers back soon!

P.S: Nothing else worked for me to stop the other one pecking at the two except for saddles.
I am having his problem and have treated for mites multiple times though I never see any evidence of them. And get this...the worst looking of all is the rooster!! He is as mean as a snake so I can't imagine the hens are ganging up on him. I am wondering if it is not weather related after this brutal winter. Otherwise they are happy birds and free range, are fed a nice diet...supplemented their water with vitamins this winter....have no idea what's up.
I've been having the same problem with some of my chickens! They look they're molting but I know they aren't. Egg production is up and normal and everyone seems healthy. No signs of mites or lice. It has been hot and humid and also I did change their food, thinking their protein may be down. Their feathers are missing on their backs by their tails and some on their necks but new ones are growing in. So weird. I'd love some feedback from someone! Thanks
I have a rooster and some of my hens are missing feathers on back and neck.. Do I need to put medication on the bare spots or let nature take hold.. They do not fight, I have 8 hens and one very proud rooster..
It is now the end of Nov. and a couple weeks ago I noticed that my little black hen was starting to miss feathers at the base of her tail. She now has no feathers on her back up to the base of the tail. None of my other 14 chickens are missing feathers. I have not seen any signs of picking of pulling of feathers. My rooster does not show any favoritism to her or over mate her. I put a little chicken jacket on her to keep her warm. She is still laying eggs as well. My chickens have 3 acres to free range and have quality feed available at all times. Hoping her feathers grow back...its a cold winter in NEPA

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