Missing feathers

Gandolf Millie

Mar 16, 2024
My Rooster (Brahma) is missing his leg feathers and a lot of his back feathers this morning - no feathers laying around anywhere - one hen has a small amount of blood on her upper neck. No one else seems to affected. I would think if it was a coon I would see a pile of feathers . They are in a dirt floor coop and attached run and do not free range. Any thoughts?


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I was thinking mites until I saw the blood on the hen. Mites don't do that.

I think you've got a bully chicken. I'd get a deer/trail cam or some outdoor cam and find out what's going on.
no feathers im confused? weasel can gothru your run fence and a coon could grab thru it, but it was at night..hummmm in coop coop secure ?
Like Debbie says get a game camera.
Even if you have a bully chicken should have some feathers.
quit a few feathers missing from rooster.
my observations
how secure is that coop? are they locked in? can anything dig under the coop and get in? is there a top on your run? Is it a open door they go into the coop at night?
no feathers?

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