Missing Feathers

2chicks poultry

6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Othello Washington
Hi everyone!
This isn't an emergency or anything, but I was just wondering if you guys could help me with a problem that I have been having with my bantam frizzle cochin hen. You see her problem is that she has a bunch of feathers missing on her stomach, and on her neck and head. She is not in with a rooster so it's not that. I've checked and dusted her for lice. She also doesn't have mites. She doesn't have worms either because I just wormed her a few days ago, and she is very plump.
She is acting normally and she is very perky. She has been having this problem since like May or June! She is also not in with other hens, so she is not getting pecked! She's not sitting so she isn't pulling out her own feathers. She not in a molt because she hasn't been loosing feathers anywhere else. The bottom line is that her feathers just won't grow back! Please help! Thanks everyone!

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