Missing his/her mate

He has lots of grass! The neighbor feeds him a corn/grain mixture. Not sure what it is! I will tell the other neighbor that feeds him bread that it's not good for him. I will check into other feed! There is a feed store right up the road.
Housing, there is the problem. I live in a trailer park. I don't know if the management will provide a pen. I personally can't afford it. I am pretty sure they will allow it to be built on the property as long as they don't have to be responsible for it.
I plan on discussing it with them next week.
Thank you for helping me out!@miss lydia
I hope it all works out for BB he sounds like a real sweet heart.

I will caution you though when breeding season is under way which is winter into late spring. Ganders can get very ornery and will bite or use their wings and flog if they feel threatened or are protecting their mate. Another reason BB should not be left out where the public is. He may not get this way since he doesn't have a mate right now but they can be unpredictable remember when I said he may look at you as possible mate. That means he may try to mate with you a leg or an arm or if you turn your back on him just be aware of this so you won't be surprised and think he is attacking. . They just get so hormonal they can't help themselves. You can teach him that it isn't appropriate behavior though so if he begins to get personal let me know and I give you the link to training geese.

He has abandoned my human companionship for the Ducks!
They all gather around him, all the time! He spends a lot of time at the far end of the pond where people aren't always walking by.
I think he has moved past his grieving process!
Still checking into food and shelter for him!

He has abandoned my human companionship for the Ducks!
They all gather around him, all the time! He spends a lot of time at the far end of the pond where people aren't always walking by.
I think he has moved past his grieving process!
Still checking into food and shelter for him!
At least he has companions that is sweet they have accepted him.
Going to take up a collection from the neighborhood for a pen for him.
Is it okay for me to print these posts and share them with the neighborhood? It seems like the best way to share the knowledge.
Going to take up a collection from the neighborhood for a pen for him.
Is it okay for me to print these posts and share them with the neighborhood? It seems like the best way to share the knowledge.
That is a great idea.. And I can't see any reason why you can't print these posts out. Let us know how it goes..
If you only watch or read the news, you'd think nothing good ever happens in this world. I come here to read things like this. The human spirit of kindness and nurturing is alive and well!!
Kudos @beefeelinhappy !!!

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