
Oct 7, 2019
Hey guys! I’m new to the sight as a member but have visited many times while in the process of purchasing and raising my ducks.

I have a conundrum, and I’m hoping some insight from here will give me more information than what my research has...
I have 4 mallard ducks that I bought as ducklings in May, I was lucky enough to get 1 drake and 3 hens from a straight run. They get let out of their predator safe enclosure in the morning, stay in our yard and garden all day foraging, around dusk they go for a 5 minute flight together, come home and go back to their enclosure for feeding around nightfall. Like clockwork. Last Monday, one of my hens, blue, did not return from her flight with the others. My other hen Mama, felt no need to call for her, I didn’t hear her calling either, I walked around our neighbor hood and local ponds with a call and nothing (the call typically works when being stubborn) the. On Thursday night, the three took off for their evening flight and did not return, however by morning the three were back happily foraging and drinking and swimming in the multiple pools I have places throughout our yard. Then last night, at dusk they were gone.... I left their enclosure opened and food and fresh water filled, this morning only my drake, firequacker, is back, and he is standing by one of the pools in their enclosure on his rock perch and occasionally squawking. No hens. Is it possible they could be nesting, and he is protecting the nearest water source for them? Our yard is surrounded by brush and trees. We do have multiple ponds around us, but I haven’t found them there. I didn’t clip their wings because I wanted them to have the opportunity to fly since they are a flying breed, I didn’t want to take that away from them, but I may have been mistaken. ‍♀️ While my male is beautiful in his nuptial plumage, I was rather fond of my hens. Thoughts?
I appreciate the quick feedback
(Don’t mind the toddler shoes in the background)

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